
Discovering Scoppieto, a hamlet of Baschi

Hello friends! Today I am taking you on a journey to discover Scoppieto, a charming hamlet of the municipality of Baschi, located in the province of Terni, Umbria region.

Scoppieto, a panoramic location

Scoppieto is located on a fluvial terrace 465 meters above sea level, facing Lake Corbara in the Tiber Valley. The village appears as an old settlement perched on a small hill. Thanks to its elevated position, from Scoppieto you can admire a beautiful panorama of Lake Corbara.

Scoppieto: Archaeological Treasures and Unique Views in Umbria

Archaeological excavations in Scoppieto

Archaeology enthusiasts will find Scoppieto's history very interesting. From 1995 to 2013, the University of Perugia conducted 17 archaeological excavations campaigns under the direction of Professor Margherita Bergamini. The excavation area covers a large area on the top of a hill about 460 meters above sea level, located on the left bank of the Tiber River. The site is now part of the Tiber River Park and was part of the territory of the Roman Colony of Todi.

Continuity of occupation from the 3rd century BC to the 4th and early 5th century AD

Archaeological excavations have shown a continuity of occupation from the 3rd century BC to the 4th and early 5th century AD. In the 3rd century BC, the area was frequented for cultic reasons due to the presence of an Italic sanctuary dedicated to rural deities. In the 2nd-1st century BC, the area became an agricultural company with livestock breeding. During the early imperial period, a ceramic manufacture arose, active from the age of Augustus to the end of the 1st - early 2nd century AD, dedicated to the production of a particular type of fine dining ware, the so-called "terra sigillata". The factory used the river route for the distribution of its products, which found a market mainly in the Roman Empire and in Africa.

Distribution of the factory's products

Thanks to the findings of the excavations, it was possible to reconstruct the distribution network of the factory's products. The river route was the main means of transport of the products, which reached the main centers of the provinces located in the Mediterranean basin. The African market was particularly active, where goods from Scoppieto were unloaded and sold in various areas such as Mauretania, Numidia, Proconsularis, Cyrenaica, and Egypt.

Scoppieto, a must-visit destination for archaeology and history enthusiasts

In conclusion, Scoppieto is an ideal destination for archaeology and history enthusiasts. Thanks to the archaeological excavations, it is possible to learn about the millennia-old history of the area and the evidence of human presence from the 3rd century BC to the 5th century AD. Moreover, Scoppieto's panoramic position offers a unique and unforgettable visual experience. If you are looking for a destination to visit in Umbria, don't miss the opportunity to visit Scoppieto!

Irene Mariani
Wrote by Irene Mariani
Updated Sunday, Feb 12, 2023