
Welcome to Kore University in Enna!

Hello everyone! Today I will talk to you about the Free University of Enna "Kore", a university located in Enna, Italy, named after the mythical figure of Persephone.


Founded in the academic year 2005/2006, Kore University in Enna was born from the original nucleus of the Ennese University Consortium (CEU), a public entity founded in 1995 and chaired until 2003 by Cataldo Salerno.

The CEU activated a decentralized university hub in Enna with degree courses from both the University of Palermo and the University of Catania. The Enna university hub soon became substantial, leading to requests to establish a new university with the Ministry.

At the initiative of the Sicilian Region, the "Free Kore University of Enna" was established in 2001, which identified the city as the site of the fourth university hub in Sicily.

Kore University of Enna: history, educational offer and services for students.

The Kore Foundation

A private legal entity, the Kore Foundation, was established to propose the establishment of such an entity.

The project of the Kore Foundation received, in July 2004, a favorable opinion from the national committee for the evaluation of the university system (CNVSU) and therefore the Minister of Education, Letizia Moratti, was able to include the university among newly established universities with the D.M. 284 of 15 September 2004.

The autonomy process

The Free Kore University of Enna began its autonomous activities in the academic year 2005/2006. The statute, approved by the Minister with the institutional DM, assigns legal representation to the president Cataldo Salerno, the project's creator, and academic coordination to the rector, both indicated by the Kore Foundation.

Degree courses and university campus

Kore University in Enna has a wide range of courses, including three-year bachelor's, master's, and specialist degrees.

The university campus is a complex of buildings owned by the Province in which the university has its main headquarters, downstream of Enna; the Citadel was in fact entrusted to the CEU in 1998. On March 17, 1999, the new headquarters of the environmental engineering course, dependent on the University of Catania, was inaugurated.

Campus and services

The Kore University in Enna campus covers 26,000 square meters and includes lecture halls, laboratories, and research centers. Students can take advantage of numerous services, including orientation services, cafeteria services, tutoring services, and book lending services.

Research and international collaborations

Kore University in Enna has a broad research program covering various areas, including biology, physics, mathematics, and computer science.

The university is also characterized by the presence of a vast network of international collaborations, which offers students and researchers the opportunity to participate in academic exchanges, conferences, and workshops worldwide.


I hope to have provided you with a clear and complete idea of what Kore University in Enna has to offer. If you are considering enrolling in a university in Italy, I suggest you carefully consider this option, which offers excellent quality of teaching and numerous services for students. You won't regret it!

Ludovica Neri
Wrote by Ludovica Neri
Updated Thursday, Apr 14, 2022