
Barghe: A Hidden Gem in Valle Sabbia

If you're looking for a peaceful retreat away from the chaos of the city, we recommend visiting Barghe, a municipality in the province of Brescia located in the beautiful Valle Sabbia. With an altitude of 347 meters above sea level and a population of just over a thousand inhabitants, Barghe is the perfect destination for those seeking a relaxing vacation.

Physical Geography

Barghe: nature and history in Valle Sabbia


Barghe is located in a privileged position at the confluence of the Chiese River and the road that leads from Sant'Eusebio to Brescia. It's an ideal place for those who love to get lost in nature, with hills and mountains as far as the eye can see.


Barghe is classified in zone 2, which means it has medium seismic hazard where earthquakes can occur strong enough.


This area belongs to climate zone E, which includes municipalities with a degree-day between 2101 and 3000. During the summer, the days can be very hot, but the mountain breeze makes the evenings pleasantly cool.


The name Barghe derives from an ancient boat bridge that crossed the Chiese River, allowing people and goods from the valleys to reach Trentino. The name comes from the word "barek," which means bench or covering.


Barghe has a fascinating history that dates back to prehistoric times, as evidenced by the finding of remains of Pleistocene fauna and prehistoric objects in a small cave behind the apse of the chapel of S. Gottardo.

Loss of Municipality Status

Following the administrative reform during the fascist era, Barghe lost its status as a municipality, becoming a fraction of Sabbio Chiese in 1928. The people of Barghe never accepted this subordination, which they considered the result of an unjust law.

Return to Local Autonomy

Only in 1956 did Barghe regain its municipal autonomy. After the appointment of the new mayor, thanks to the generous donation of Mrs. Maria Beccalossi, widow Bonacina, the municipal headquarters was built. The first mayor was elected in May 1957.


The municipality of Barghe has a coat of arms created in 1960 and freely used by the entity without an official decree of concession.

If you want to be in touch with nature and learn about the history of the place, Barghe is definitely a destination to visit!

Chiara Russo
Wrote by Chiara Russo
Updated Monday, Jan 9, 2023