
Hello everyone!

Here we are, ready to immerse ourselves in the wonderful Municipality of Barete! Are you ready to discover everything about its origins, physical geography, climate, and fascinating history? Then, get comfortable and let's enjoy this adventure together.

Origin of the name

Let's start by saying that the name Barete has a very ancient root. The oldest attestation of this name dates back to the 10th century, when it was still called Lavareta. It is believed that the name derives from a phytomyn, namely "laveretum", which means "plant of humid soils." The first syllable of the original name was lost over time and the interpretation of the feminine article led to the birth of the word "Barete."

Barete: origin of the name, geography, and history of the Abruzzo city

Physical geography


Barete is located in the enchanting region of Abruzzo, a few tens of kilometers from the border with Lazio to the west. The city is surrounded by many municipalities such as Pizzoli, Cagnano Amiterno, Montereale and L'Aquila. The city is located at an altitude of 800 meters above sea level, in a gorge on the northern edge of the Aquilan basin, near the Aterno River and the Gran Sasso d'Italia. There are numerous hamlets on the territory such as Sant'Eusanio, Colli, San Sabino, and Teora, which develop on the hills of Preturo.


The climate of Barete reflects the classic continental type, with strong diurnal and annual temperature fluctuations. During the winter, snow frequently appears in the mountainous areas and less frequently in the valley floors. The summer season is characterized by arid and dry heat.


The history of Barete has its roots in the ancient Sabine city of Amiternum, where its inhabitants went for holidays and to enjoy the presence of some thermal baths.

During the 12th century, the territory of Barete was controlled by Rainaldo di Lavareta, who managed to extend his dominion over vast territories in the valleys of Velino and Aterno.

In the 13th century, the village participated in the foundation of L'Aquila, where it played an important role since its inhabitants were assigned to the lot at the western end of the Walls of L'Aquila. During the war between L'Aquila and Amatrice in 1347, Barete was destroyed, but over time, it recovered.

The city suffered the devastation of numerous earthquakes throughout its history, including the one in 1703 that destroyed it again.


We have come to the end of this adventure to discover the Municipality of Barete. A small city but with extraordinary natural beauties, which encloses centuries of history and tradition. We looked out on its past and discovered its physical geography, climate, and origins. Thank you for being with us, see you on the next adventure!

Simone Costa
Wrote by Simone Costa
Updated Monday, Mar 21, 2022