
Baressa: a small town in Sardinia

Hello friends! Today I want to talk to you about Baressa, a town in Sardinia with only 559 inhabitants. It is located in the province of Oristano, in the historical region of Marmilla. The territory of Baressa is managed by the local development agency consortium "due giare" and includes the Alta Marmilla, Monte Arci and Grighine mountains. This village is famous for the numerous almond plants present in its territory and for the "portals".

The history of Baressa

The Baressa area was inhabited already in the Bronze Age, as evidenced by the presence of the Nuraghe in the territory. During the Middle Ages it belonged to the Giudicato of Arborea and was part of the Marmilla curatorship. After the defeat of the kingdom by the Aragonese in 1410, it became part of the County of Quirra, incorporated in the Incontrada di Parte Monti, a fief of the Carroz family. In 1603 the county was transformed into a marquisate, a fief of the Centelles family. Subsequently, the territory passed to the Osorio family, and was then redeemed in 1839 with the suppression of the feudal system. In this way, Baressa became a municipality administered by a mayor and a council. In 1927, the municipality of Baradili was also merged with the municipality of Baressa, but regained autonomy in 1945.

Baressa: the Sardinian town between nuraghi and almonds

The symbols of Baressa

The coat of arms of the Municipality of Baressa was granted by decree of the President of the Republic on April 7, 2003. The gonfalon, on the other hand, is a yellow drape.

What to see in Baressa

In the territory of Baressa, there are three nuraghi of significant archaeological interest: Nuraghe Molas, Nuraghe Monte Majore, and Nuraghe su Sensu. If you are interested in history and archaeology, these places should not be missed on your list of places to visit.

Society in Baressa

The population of Baressa has always been quite small: today it only has 559 inhabitants. The inhabitants speak the variant of the Sardinian language called Western Campidanese Sardinian.

Culture in Baressa

At the end of August or beginning of September, the "Almond Festival" is held, a celebration of almond production in the territory of Baressa. If you are in the area at that time, don't miss it!

Administration of Baressa

The administration of Baressa is represented by a mayor and a municipal council.


Here, friends, is a brief panorama of Baressa, a town in Sardinia located in the region of Marmilla. Despite being a small village, Baressa offers numerous tourism and cultural opportunities. Don't forget to visit the nuraghi and participate in the Almond Festival!

Irene Mariani
Wrote by Irene Mariani
Updated Tuesday, Jul 5, 2022