
Discover Bardolino, a jewel of Lake Garda

Hello friends, today I'm taking you on a journey to discover Bardolino, a gem of Lake Garda located on the eastern shore and belonging to the province of Verona. Bardolino covers an area of approximately 20 square kilometers and has a population of 7,186 inhabitants. Let's learn more about the physical geography and climate of this region together.

Physical Geography

Bardolino is located about 30 kilometers west of Verona and is situated on hilly terrain between the lake to the west and the moraine hill to the east. Its territory is located within the large moraine amphitheater of Lake Garda, which has created an undulating morphology with a gentle slope towards the lake. The soil features moraine up to several hundred meters deep, and the composition of the soil causes permeability of the surface terrain, with groundwater present in the valley bottom at a depth of only a few meters.

Bardolino is located in zone 3 of the regional seismic classification, with low seismicity, but historically the area east of Lake Garda and the Val d'Illasi are the areas with the highest seismic activity in the province of Verona.

Bardolino: the pearl of Garda among beaches, wine and oil.


The climate of Bardolino is temperate and humid, with mild conditions due to the presence of the lake. Spring and autumn are the rainiest seasons, while summer is Mediterranean, dry but with intense rainfall, especially in August. In winter, temperatures are less severe compared to surrounding areas, and precipitation is scarce.

Origins of the name

The name Bardolino may derive from the Latin term "Bardus," which means singer, or from a Germanic patronymic, "Pardali" or "Bardali," daughter of Aulete, the founding king of Mantua.

What to visit in Bardolino

Bardolino is a perfect destination for a relaxing vacation and the discovery of a land rich in traditions and natural beauties.

Lake Garda beaches

Bardolino offers numerous equipped and free beaches, where you can spend pleasant days in the sun or take a dip in the crystal-clear waters of the lake. Among the most famous are the beaches of Calmasino, Porto, Cisano and San Pietro in Bardolino.

The old town

The historic center of Bardolino is a charming place to visit, walking through pedestrian alleys and squares, surrounded by shops, bars and restaurants. Notable is Piazza Matteotti, where the town hall, built in the 18th century, and the Church of San Severo, dating back to the 11th century, overlook. From the Bardolino harbor, you can admire a splendid view of the lake.

The Bardolino Winery

Bardolino is famous for its DOC wine, named after the town. At the Bardolino Winery, you can visit the cellars and taste the typical products of the area, including herb liqueur.

Extra-virgin olive oil

Bardolino is also famous for the production of extra-virgin olive oil, which is produced in centuries-old olive groves that extend over the hills surrounding the town. At the Bardolino Oil Workshop, you can discover and taste the different types of oil produced, accompanied by local gastronomic specialties.


Bardolino is an ideal destination for those seeking a vacation of tranquility, beauty and tradition. Its landscape and history are well combined with the gastronomic offering and products of the territory, such as wine and extra-virgin olive oil. I recommend visiting Bardolino to appreciate its beauty and treasures!

Alessandro Romano
Updated Wednesday, Apr 27, 2022