Barberino di Mugello

Welcome to Barberino di Mugello!

Hello everyone, today I will talk about Barberino di Mugello, a municipality in central Italy, located in the metropolitan city of Florence in Tuscany. With a population of 10,905 inhabitants, Barberino di Mugello is known for its numerous hamlets and locations, including Cavallina, Galliano, Montecarelli and Mangona. In addition, the Medici Villa of Cafaggiolo, located within the municipality, has been recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in Italy in 2013.

But let's delve deeper into the history of Barberino di Mugello.


Discover the history of Barberino di Mugello: from prehistory to the Medici Villa of Cafaggiolo.

Paleolithic era

In recent times, extensive research has been conducted on the nature of Mugello. A study conducted in 1965 by Guido Sanesi highlighted a clear relationship between the morphology of the territory and the various evolutionary stratifications, also testified by the discovery of fossil remains that allowed dating of the various paleo-soils.

The history of the basin refers to three main periods: lacustrine sedimentation (Villafranchian lake), fluvial sedimentation and terraces. Geologists believe that during the Tertiary era, the Mugello area was covered by the open sea and subsequently by the closed basin of fresh water, on whose bottom the debris accumulated. These were due to erosion produced by rainwater and rivers descending from the mountains. Debris accumulated during floods to the point of forming hills and a lake below.

Barberino di Mugello constitutes a minor tectonic depression compared to the larger and deeper one of central Mugello, although both were continuously occupied by the large Villafranchian lake of Mugello. There are also testimonies of the presence of this sedimentation, such as the finding of fossils, including the rib of Palaorynchus (a whale), probably displayed on the facade of a house in the village of Cafaggiolo.

During the work for the construction of the Bilancino reservoir, an outdoor settlement dating back 30,000 years ago was discovered in the upstream area of the reservoir. This settlement came to light in the locality of Il Piano at an altitude of 238 meters above sea level, on a terrace of the Sieve river close to its confluence with the Stura del Mugello. At the Bilancino site, the processing of flint was aimed at the manufacture of specialized tools.


In summary, Barberino di Mugello is a municipality rich in history and culture. Its numerous hamlets and locations offer a variety of possibilities for nature and history lovers, while the Medici Villa of Cafaggiolo adds a touch of elegance and charm. I hope this summary has encouraged you to visit this splendid Tuscan location!

Matteo Ferrari
Updated Wednesday, Jun 29, 2022