
The Massacre of Boschi di Barbania: A Tragic Page of the Partisan War

In September-October 1944, the 29. Waffen-Grenadier-Division der SS (italienische Nr. 1) launched a sweep operation in the Lanzo Valleys and the Alto Canavese area called "Strasburgche". On September 3rd or the following day, two motorcyclists of the Italian Social Republic were attacked by partisans while passing through Boschi di Barbania. One of them was severely injured but managed to escape and threatened the villagers with a retaliatory attack. The population of Boschi di Barbania fled into the woods, but those who stayed behind were taken prisoner by the fascists.

The Moro partisan brigade, made up of about forty men, intervened to free the prisoners and fight the fascists. During the clashes, the fascists barricaded themselves in a trattoria, using the civilian prisoners as human shields. The partisans tried to resist, but eventually had to retreat to Corio to reinforce their resistance against the "Strasburgche" operation. Later, they claimed to have killed seventeen fascists.

The following day, several vehicles and three armored vehicles from the Black Brigades, the Xa Flottiglia MAS (Italian Social Republic), and the Waffen-Grenadier-Brigade-SS arrived in Boschi di Barbania to punish the population and the partisans. The invaders set fire to houses with flamethrowers, destroying 79 out of 83 of them. Mortar shells were fired into the woods where the population had taken shelter. Seven local villagers who had returned to their homes were captured: five were immediately executed on the spot, and two more shortly after in Front. Among the victims were three elderly blind people and a twelve-year-old boy.

The tragedy of Boschi di Barbania has left an indelible mark on the historical memory of Northern Italy. The National Association of Italian Partisans has erected a monument to the massacre to remember the victims and the sacrifice of the partisans who fought for freedom. The sacrifice of these individuals must be forever remembered as an example of courage and defending human rights.


The "Strasburgche" operation of the 29. Waffen-Grenadier-Division der SS (italienische Nr. 1) was one of the most heinous actions of the partisan war in Italy. The fascists, acting with brutality and mercilessness, committed crimes against the civilian population that were unimaginable even for the time. The Massacre of Boschi di Barbania is one of the many episodes in which the fascists demonstrated their contempt for human life.

The Massacre of Boschi di Barbania: fascist brutality during the partisan war.


The victims of the Massacre of Boschi di Barbania were innocent people who paid the highest price for their freedom. Among them, there were three elderly blind people and a twelve-year-old boy. No one should have died in that way, especially women, children, and the elderly. Their lives were shattered by an ideology that brought only death and pain.


The memory of the victims of Boschi di Barbania should prompt us to reflect on the tragedy of war and put an end to any form of violence and oppression. Books such as "Il prezzo della libertà" by T. De Mayo and V. Viano, "Macchie di Sangue" by F. Brunetta, and magazines like "Patria Indipendente" and "Il Notiziario" shed light on how difficult the path to freedom and peace was. The historical archive of the Municipality of Barbania contains precious documents that must be preserved to make the truth known to future generations. Partisan Resistance was a difficult and painful period in our history, but it showed that hope and courage can defeat even the worst enemies.

Ludovica Neri
Wrote by Ludovica Neri
Updated Tuesday, Sep 6, 2022