
Different cities and people named "Lugo"

Hello everyone! Today I want to talk about something fun: there are many cities and people around the world named "Lugo"! Let's take a look at some examples.


Let's begin with the cities. Most of the cities named Lugo are located in Italy and Spain.

In Italy, we have Lugo (improperly called Lugo di Romagna or Lugo di Ravenna), which is a municipality in the province of Ravenna. There's also Lugo di Vicenza, a municipality in the province of Vicenza, and Lugo, a hamlet in the province of Reggio Emilia. Finally, there are Lugo in Campagna Lupia and Lugo in Grezzana, which are respectively a locality and a hamlet in the provinces of Venice and Verona.

In Spain, on the other hand, we have Lugo, a municipality in the Galicia region and capital of the province of Lugo. There's also a comarca (region) named Lugo in the same region.

Lastly, there's Lugo di Nazza, which is a municipality in France located in Corsica.

City and people with the name Lugo in the world.


Besides the cities, there are also many people named Lugo.

For example, there's Dante Lugo, an Argentine footballer, and Édgar Lugo, a Mexican footballer. There's also Enrique Lugo, a retired Cuban fencer, and Fernando Lugo, a Paraguayan politician. Gerardo Lugo is a retired Mexican footballer, while Giuseppe Lugo is an Italian tenor and actor. There are also two people named Richard Lugo: one is a Paraguayan footballer and the other is a Venezuelan basketball player.

Seth Lugo is an American baseball player, while Víctor Lugo is a retired Colombian footballer and Yasmany Lugo is a Cuban wrestler.


Lastly, there's the Club Deportivo Lugo, a football team from the homonymous Spanish municipality. Moreover, there's also an asteroid named 4583 Lugo!

So here's a rundown of some cities and people named Lugo. I hope you enjoyed discovering all of this!

Chiara Russo
Wrote by Chiara Russo
Updated Sunday, Oct 23, 2022