
Welcome to Baiano, in Campania!

Located in the province of Avellino, the Municipality of Baiano has 4,425 inhabitants and covers an area of ​​approximately 12.25 km² in the Partenio Regional Park. The town is easily accessible thanks to the presence of several highways and offers many tourist and cultural opportunities.

Millennia of history

The name Baiano may derive from a Roman era property, ''praedium Badianum'' ("Badius' farm"), related to the nearby center of ''Abella''. During the Roman era, the territory was assigned to the ''Galeria'' tribe and later became part of the Longobard duchy of Benevento and the Norman principality of Salerno. In 1715, it became an autonomous municipality with the name of ''Bajano'' and over the centuries was a fiefdom of the Orsini and then of the barony of Avella. At the end of the 17th century, it regained its autonomy and with the unification of Italy, it was assigned to the province of Avellino.

Discover the beauties of Baiano, a millennial city in Campania.

Monuments and places of interest

The town of Baiano holds some authentic architectural gems. Among the places of interest are: Vesuni neighborhood, the historic center of the town, the Church of Santa Croce, the SS Apostoli church and the church of Santo Stefano Protomartire, renovated after the damage suffered from the earthquakes of 1980 and 1981. Among the places of worship, there is also the Hermitage of Jesus and Mary. For those who love hiking in the green, Vallone Sorroncello is a suggestive natural environment located at 650 m above sea level.

The society of Baiano

The municipality of Baiano is characterized by a cosmopolitan population. Currently, there are 181 foreign citizens residing, of which the largest groups are those from Romania (66), Ukraine (54), and Poland (20). The municipality is also famous for its traditions and folklore.

Festivals and traditions

Baiano offers some important events, such as the famous "Festa del Maio", which takes place during the Christmas period. During the festival, the "mess 'e notte" are celebrated at 5 in the morning to allow participants to go to work afterward. In addition, a nativity scene is set up in the courtyard of the Canonico-Pradal family, and on Christmas Eve, the Baby Jesus is brought in procession. The Carabina and lumberjack tools are then blessed. After the mass, the tradition of cutting the "Maio" takes place. This tree is marked by two large red "S" in honor of the patron saint and is blessed before being brought to the church of Santo Stefano.


In conclusion, Baiano is a city that boasts a millennia of history and a cultural and artistic heritage of great value. The town has many accommodations, restaurants, and entertainment venues, making it ideal for a trip to discover the beauties of the Campania region.

Francesco Serra
Updated Friday, Jul 15, 2022