
Discover Civita, the "dying city"

The small village of Civita, located in the heart of Lazio, is one of the most charming towns in the region. Its main feature is being built on a spur of tufaceous rock, which defines its trapezoidal shape, and being reachable only through a reinforced concrete pedestrian bridge.

Physical and Anthropical Geography

The territory of Civita extends to the valley of calanchi, a geological area characterized by clayey and tufaceous reliefs that can reach up to 50 meters. These particular formations promote slow and steady erosion, which has given rise to the typical form of calanchi. The settlement of Civita is, therefore, located on a spur of tufaceous rock, isolated from the mainland, and surrounded by breathtaking scenery.

The village is inhabited only by a sixteenth of the original population, and despite its isolation, Civita has become an increasingly popular tourist destination. Visiting this small village means immersing oneself in the history and tradition of the surrounding territory.

Discover Civita, the unique village nestled on the badlands.


The history of Civita is very ancient and has its roots in Etruria. The village, in fact, rises on an ancient road that connected the Tiber Valley to Bolsena Lake and represents an important commercial hub between the Etruscan territories of central Italy.

Inhabited since ancient times, Civita has gone through various historical periods, and numerous civilizations have succeeded each other in the area. The Etruscan phase, in particular, has left numerous visible traces still present in the architecture and town planning of the village.

In the following centuries, Civita passed under Roman, Lombard, and papal rule, preserving its architectural and urbanistic characteristics. In the sixteenth century, there was a period of great prosperity, and the village reached its maximum splendor, as evidenced by the numerous architectural works still visible.


The landscape surrounding Civita is unique in the world and hosts a very particular flora. Due to the clayey nature of the calanchi, the vegetation is limited to a few species that appear in small and sparse groups. Despite this, the surrounding territory is characterized by an explosion of colors in spring, thanks to the presence of numerous varieties of spontaneous flowers.

Events and Curiosities

Civita is an enchanted place, where time seems to stand still. Despite its isolation, the village has become a very popular tourist destination, especially in the summer months.

Among the most important events that take place in the village, do not miss the suggestive Christmas in Civita, with the festival of lights and the living nativity scene, and the feast of San Donato, the patron saint of the village celebrated on August 7th.

If you are planning a trip to Civita, keep in mind that it is possible to visit the village only on foot, but for those who wish, there is a shuttle service that departs from the parking area in Bagnoregio. In addition, the municipality of Bagnoregio has issued a circular that allows residents and authorized persons to cross the pedestrian bridge aboard bicycles and motorcycles at certain times.


Civita is a unique geographical fraction in the world, capable of telling the history and tradition of an ancient territory like that of Lazio. Its uniqueness and beauty have made this "dying city" become a very popular tourist destination, capable of enchanting every visitor. Its isolated position, breathtaking scenery, and traditional events are just some of the curiosities that make Civita an unmissable place for anyone who wants to live a unique and unforgettable experience.

Andrea Fontana
Updated Friday, Jul 1, 2022