Bagnolo Mella

Welcome to Bagnolo Mella, the city of history and culture

If you're looking for a place where you can discover Italian history and culture, you have to visit Bagnolo Mella, a city located in the province of Brescia, in Lombardy. With its 12,489 inhabitants, Bagnolo Mella was awarded the title of city on January 12th, 2011 for its historical and cultural merits.

The physical geography of Bagnolo Mella

Bagnolo Mella is located in a flat area, irrigated by numerous ditches and canals, among which the Vaso Molone stands out. The latter uses an ancient bed of the Garza, which comes from the north flanking the east bank of Monte Netto. Then, it continues along the town center and later flanks the provincial road to Manerbio. There are also mills powered by the Molone, such as the nearby wheel of Palazzo Spada Avogadro.

Discover Bagnolo Mella: history, culture, and nature in Lombardy.

Origins of the name Bagnolo Mella

There are several theories about the name Bagnolo Mella. According to the most plausible, the origin of the name would derive from the Latin "Balneolum" (small bath or small puddle) or from "Albagnolo". The term "Mella" refers to the homonymous river, but it doesn't run through the municipal territory.

The history of Bagnolo Mella

Prehistory and Roman Age

Bagnolo Mella has an ancient history that dates back to the Bronze Age with the presence of a pile-dwelling in the locality of Fontanellato. During the Roman Civilization, the Brixiana road passed through Bagnolo Mella, connecting the river port of Cremona, located along the Po river, with Brescia, where several Roman roads branched out towards the entire Cisalpine Gaul.

Middle Ages

The castle of Bagnolo Mella was built to face the Barbarian invasions and the first document that attests to its presence, along with that of a court of Frankish or Lombard origin, dates back to 1169. The feudal system of the bishop of Brescia became weak in the XIII century. In 1272, the mayors of the municipality were invested with a fief. In the XIV century, the power was associated with the ancient vassals, such as the Avogadro, the Confalonieri, the noble families Guelfi and Ghibellini, such as the Bornati and the Poncarale, and also with the municipality.


Bagnolo Mella represents a place of great historical and cultural interest, where it is possible to admire the remains of a glorious past. The city, with its irrigated plain, is an ideal destination for nature lovers, and its characteristic mills are a heritage to discover. With its recent appointment as a city, Bagnolo Mella has become an important tourist destination in Lombardy. Don't hesitate to visit it, you won't regret it!

Chiara Russo
Wrote by Chiara Russo
Updated Monday, Dec 19, 2022