Azzano Mella

Azzano Mella: a municipality with a long history

Hello everyone! Today I want to talk about Azzano Mella, a municipality in the province of Brescia, Lombardy. With its 3388 inhabitants, Azzano Mella is part of the association of Azzano d'Italia, a group of eleven municipalities and villages that have the word "Azzano" in their name and whose citizens are called "azzanesi". But it's not just its affiliation to this group that makes Azzano Mella an interesting municipality, there is much more!

The history of Azzano Mella

Azzano Mella has an ancient history that dates back to the Roman era. In 1154, the city of Brescia acquired jurisdictional rights over the area of Azzano Mella. In the 14th century, Azzano Mella was involved in the wars between the cities of Lombardy and became a strategic point for the defense of the territory. Over the centuries, the municipality has undergone numerous transformations and changes, but has always remained an important center of the province of Brescia.

Azzano Mella: history, symbols, monuments and curiosities of the city.

The symbols of Azzano Mella

The flag of Azzano Mella is a split flag of yellow and blue, the colors of the city.

Monuments and places of interest

Azzano Mella offers many attractions for visitors who want to discover the history and culture of the municipality.

Religious architectures

The Church of Saints Peter and Paul is a beautiful example of religious architecture present in Azzano Mella. The church dates back to the 18th century and is characterized by a Baroque architecture. Inside the church, you can admire many works of art, including paintings and sculptures.


Demographic evolution

The municipality of Azzano Mella currently has 3388 inhabitants, but over the decades the population has undergone numerous variations. In the 1960s and 1970s, Azzano Mella experienced a strong demographic growth, thanks to the expansion of industrial settlements in the area.

Languages and dialects

In the territory of Azzano Mella, Italian is mainly spoken, but Brescia dialect, a variant of Lombard language, is also present.


Like all Italian municipalities, Azzano Mella has a local administration that deals with managing the affairs of the municipality.

Mayors of Azzano Mella

In recent decades, Azzano Mella has been led by a series of mayors who have worked to improve the lives of the municipality's citizens. Currently, the mayor of Azzano Mella is Matteo Ferrari, belonging to the center-right civic list.


Azzano Mella is a delightful municipality that offers many opportunities for those who want to discover the culture and history of the Brescia territory. From its religious architectures to its demographic evolution, Azzano Mella is the ideal place to spend a day with friends or family. If you are on vacation in the area, I recommend including it in your list of places to visit!

Chiara Russo
Wrote by Chiara Russo
Updated Friday, May 13, 2022