
Welcome to Azzanello!

Hello everyone! Today I will tell you about Azzanello, a small Italian municipality located in the province of Cremona, in Lombardy. With only 608 inhabitants, it is a quiet and welcoming place, perfect for a break from the hustle and bustle of the city.

Demographic evolution

From a demographic point of view, Azzanello has seen some variations over the years, but the number of inhabitants has remained fairly stable. According to Istat data from 2019, the population is 608 people.

Azzanello: A Welcoming and Multicultural Municipality.

Ethnicities and foreign minorities

In the city, there are also some foreign communities, which contribute to make Azzanello even more interesting. According to Istat data, on December 31, 2019, the foreign citizens residing in Azzanello were 82. The numerically significant national communities are those of India (34 people) and Egypt (23 people).

The administration of Azzanello

Now let's move on to the administration of Azzanello. Since 1985, several mayors have succeeded one another in leading the municipality. Azzanello is part of the Lombarda Soresinese Union, together with other municipalities such as Annicco, Casalmorano, Castelvisconti, Genivolta, and Paderno Ponchielli.

Culture in Azzanello

Azzanello is not only a quiet and welcoming city but also offers some opportunities for culture and entertainment. For example, the municipality is mentioned in the movie "Il federale" from 1961, where the protagonist, played by Ugo Tognazzi from Cremona, claims to have been born there.


In summary, Azzanello is a small yet fascinating municipality that offers numerous opportunities for those seeking peace and relaxation. Thanks to its foreign communities and various cultural activities, Azzanello is a perfect destination for a day trip or a weekend getaway. If you spend time in Azzanello, we will be happy to hear about your experience!

Erica Ferrari
Wrote by Erica Ferrari
Updated Thursday, Nov 3, 2022