
Welcome to Borghetto sull'Adige, a hamlet within the municipality of Avio in the beautiful Province of Trento!

Located on the border between the Autonomous Province of Trento and Veneto, Borghetto sull'Adige is a town rich in history and places of interest. Let's discover together its history, monuments and the most beautiful places to visit!


Borghetto sull'Adige is considered the border of Tyrol, which originates in the town of Kufstein, still today the border between Austria and Bavaria/Germany. During World War I, the town was the first in Tyrol to be occupied by Italian troops. This happened because the Austrians had not completed the construction of two forts that would have protected access to the Vallagarina.

Borghetto remained occupied by Italian troops until the end of the conflict and suffered many difficulties during this period. The population, not evacuated to camps where hunger and disease were widespread, had to face requisitions of livestock and goods by the armies, as well as the difficult coexistence with the military.

On 29 October 1918, some Austrian representatives asked the Italians to suspend the war activities and were taken to Villa Guerrieri Gonzaga in the village, and later transferred to Padua where the armistice was signed on 3 November.

Borghetto sull'Adige: history and monuments in the Province of Trento.

Monuments and Places of Interest

Borghetto sull'Adige is a town full of monuments and places of interest to visit. One of the main ones is the church of San Biagio, which is the parish church of the village. The church, built in the seventeenth century, has a baroque style facade and is dedicated to the patron saint San Biagio.

Another church to visit is that of San Leonardo in Avio. This church, dating back to the twelfth century, is considered one of the most important monuments in Trentino. It has a Latin cross plan and features a beautiful Romanesque portal, decorated with figures of animals and vegetation.


The town was an autonomous municipality until 1928 when it was merged with Avio. Furthermore, Borghetto sull'Adige is the end of the Autonomous Province of Trento section of the Adige Valley cycle path.


If you are interested in discovering more about the history of Borghetto sull'Adige, we recommend reading the book "Il Paese degli Austriaci" by Lino Morteani and Amedeo Giacomini.

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If you want to discover more about the area, we recommend visiting the Borghetto sull'Adige Station.

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We are sure that Borghetto sull'Adige will fascinate you with its history and monuments. We look forward to welcoming you to this beautiful town in Trentino!

Luca Bianchi
Wrote by Luca Bianchi
Updated Sunday, Jul 3, 2022