
Discovering the Province of Caserta

The Province of Caserta, located in the Campania region, is one of the most populous provinces in Italy, with over 899,000 inhabitants. The city of Caserta is its capital, an ancient city rich in history, especially thanks to the Reggia di Caserta and its gardens. The province extends over a territory that partly occupies the ancient province of Terra di Lavoro, recognized on the provincial coat of arms.

History of the Province of Caserta

Discover the Province of Caserta: History, Culture and Tourism.

Ancient and medieval times

The Province of Caserta has a rich history that dates back to the ancient Liburia area, which included the territory between the islands of Ponza and Ventotene, the Apennines, and the Roveto valley. The Leporini, a tribe living in the territories of the cities of Giugliano in Campania and Aversa, inhabited this territory in ancient times. In the Middle Ages, Liburia became Terra di Lavoro, a name that probably derives from the phrase "Terra Liboris", which was transformed into "Terra Laboris". This administrative division included a large part of today's Province of Caserta, but also some metropolitan cities of Naples, the Cassino area, and the former district of Gaeta belonging to the provinces of Frosinone and Latina.

The period of the Bourbon dynasty of Naples and the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies

During the reign of the Bourbon dynasty of Naples, important works were carried out such as the Reggia di Caserta and its gardens, the Carolingian aqueduct, and reclamation and irrigation works.

Geography and territory

The Province of Caserta covers an area of ​​2,639 km² and borders the provinces of Naples, Benevento, Frosinone, and Latina. The territory extends from the Tyrrhenian Sea to the Campanian Apennines. The main center of the Province is the city of Caserta, famous for its palace. Inside the province, there are numerous towns and villages of great historical and cultural importance, including Santa Maria Capua Vetere, Capua, Maddaloni, and Aversa.


The economy of the Province of Caserta is mainly based on agriculture, with quality productions in the dairy, fruit, and vegetable sectors. The province is also famous for the production of buffalo mozzarella, a product recognized internationally and protected by a DOP label. Other important economic sectors are tourism, thanks to the Reggia di Caserta and other historical-cultural sites, and industry, with the presence of numerous companies producing fabrics, furniture, and household items.

Culture and traditions

The Province of Caserta is rich in traditions and cultural events. Among these are the numerous carnivals held in the province, with parades of allegorical floats and traditional masks. The Carnival of Maddaloni is one of the most important and ancient events in the Province. Furthermore, the province is famous for its cuisine, which offers numerous typical dishes of the Campania tradition, such as fried pizza, escarole and olive salad, stuffed eggplant, and sweets like pastiera.

Tourism in the Province of Caserta

The Province of Caserta offers numerous tourist attractions, including the Reggia di Caserta, one of the most famous architectural complexes in the world, and its magnificent gardens. Other important attractions include the amphitheater of Santa Maria Capua Vetere, the Castillo of Limatola, the Sanctuary of San Michele Arcangelo in Monte Sant'Angelo, the historic city of Sessa Aurunca, and Lake Matese.


The Province of Caserta is an area rich in history, culture, and traditions. Its territory offers numerous tourist attractions and is characterized by a strong agricultural and industrial economy. The cuisine of the area is famous throughout Italy, and cultural and traditional events enliven the life of the province throughout the year.

Camilla Ricci
Wrote by Camilla Ricci
Updated Saturday, Mar 12, 2022