
Auletta: a small village in Cilento

Hello everyone! Today I want to tell you about a truly enchanting village: Auletta, also known as L'Avuletta in the Cilento dialect. This small municipality is located in the province of Salerno, in Campania, and has a population of about 2,120. Join me in discovering it!

Auletta, enchantment among flora, fauna and history in Campania.

Physical geography


Auletta was lucky enough to end up within the Cilento, Vallo di Diano and Alburni National Park, an area rich in flora and fauna unique in the world. The Tanagro River crosses the entire territory of Auletta, a true spectacle for the eyes! Venturing into the surroundings, you can admire the wonderful park of the Pertosa-Auletta Caves, better known as the Angel Caves. A true wonder of nature!


You cannot talk about Auletta without mentioning its history. It is said that its founder was Auleto, companion of Aeneas, although some historians believe that the name of the village derives from the fact that the area was rich in Olea europaea. Since 1000, Auletta was already fortified and had three access roads, which led to the three gates of the city walls: "Castle Gate," "River Gate" and "Rivellino Gate" or "Piano." The Marchesale Castle of Auletta had already been built, which was part of the defensive system of the Duchy of Salerno and which in 1535 resisted the Spanish troops of Charles V of Austria. During the Norman conquest of southern Italy, Auletta was dominated by Guglielmo of Principato, then by the Gesualdo, Vitilio and Di Gennaro families. During the Aragonese period, the village became a "promiscuous land" of Caggiano and later became a fiefdom of the De Gennaro and Castriota families. A really interesting past for such a small village!


But Auletta is not just history and nature! The village is made up of numerous hamlets, each with its own peculiarities. For example, the hamlet of Salvitelle is particularly known for its production of olive oil, while in Faida it is possible to admire an ancient Romanesque church. Do not miss the opportunity to taste the typical Cilento cuisine, made of intense and genuine flavors!

Earthquakes and famines

Like many other towns in Italy, Auletta has had to face the effects of earthquakes and famines throughout its history. In 1694, the earthquake of Irpinia and Basilicata destroyed several areas of Auletta. In 1764, the village was hit by a terrible famine and epidemic that caused many victims. The situation was so desperate that a 14-year-old Aulettese, driven by hunger, committed a terrible crime: he killed three children in Zuppino and ate them. He was sentenced to death for this terrible act.


You cannot talk about Auletta without mentioning its main road, the Calabria road. This road was extended from Persano to Lagonegro in 1792, passing through Auletta and making the village more accessible. Before this new road, Auletta was served by the ancient consular Popilia road, which linked Capua to Reggio Calabria and was only passable with carts in the summer. The new road was not yet paved, but it was finally paved in 1938.


In this brief summary, I have told you about Auletta, a charming small village located in Campania. Auletta is surrounded by wonderful mountains, has unspoiled nature, lots of history and culture to discover, as well as many curiosities and delicacies of Cilento cuisine. Do not miss the opportunity to visit this beautiful corner of Italy!

Camilla Ricci
Wrote by Camilla Ricci
Updated Friday, Jul 29, 2022