
Let's discover Attigliano together!

Hello everyone! Today I will talk about Attigliano, a small Italian municipality located in the province of Terni, in Umbria.

Origin of the name

The name Attigliano derives from the Latin name 'Attilius' and is linked to the rural lands of the area.

Attigliano: history, monuments and curiosities in Umbria.


The Attigliano area has Etruscan origins and hosts several testimonies of the past such as tombs, crypts and pottery. In the 13th century, Todi secured ownership of the castle that is located in a strategic position. During the course of history, Attigliano was involved in wars and assaults and passed several times from the dominion of Todi to that of the Holy See and Amelia. In 1540 it was sold to Pope Paul III Farnese, then to Olimpia Maidalchini and the Orsini family. Finally, in 1840, the fiefdom was purchased by Prince Borghese.

Monuments and places of interest

Attigliano hosts several monuments and places of interest that deserve to be visited.

The Fountain of the Dolphins is in the center of the main square and was built in 1885 to provide water to the population and decorate the square. The Church of St. Lorenzo Martire, dating back to 1983, has artistic mosaic windows and a bronze portal made by the sculptor Nadia Rognoni. In the Piazza della Rocca, there is a bell tower with a clock with a single hand and twelve hours. The Church of the Madonna delle Grazie, located on the outskirts of the town, was a point of union and devotion for the families of the fighters.

The Park of Study and Reflection is a place inaugurated in May 2008 and was originally called the "Park of Silo's Message."


Attigliano has about 1982 inhabitants and has seen a demographic evolution in recent years.

Infrastructure and transport

The Attigliano-Bomarzo station is located on the Viterbo-Attigliano-Orte railway and the Rome-Florence railway.

I hope I have been able to make you know a little more about the beautiful village of Attigliano. If you have the opportunity to visit this area, do not hesitate to visit it!

Irene Mariani
Wrote by Irene Mariani
Updated Wednesday, Feb 8, 2023