Atena Lucana

Atena Lucana: The city on the border

Atena Lucana is a small city steeped in history, located in the province of Salerno on the border with Basilicata. The name, linked to the cult of Greek mythology's Athena, probably derives from the city's ancient river. Let's discover together its history and territory.


Atena Lucana is located on the north slope of Vallo di Diano at an altitude of 625 meters above sea level. The city extends over a hill in the western part of the valley and borders the Basilicata region. The territory is rich in tourist attractions, including the Grotto of Wonders and the Archaeological Park of Grumentum.

Atena Lucana: history and territory on the border between Campania and Basilicata.

Origins of the name

The name of Atena Lucana city seems to derive from the ancient cult of Athena. The term "Lucana" was only added in the 19th century. The name may come from the city's river, which was black like water. The name reminds us of other Italian centers such as Aterno, Atri, Atessa.

The history of Atena Lucana

Atena Lucana is the oldest city in Vallo di Diano, dating back to Pelasgic and Mycenaean origins. The ruins of its megalithic walls from the 6th and 5th centuries BC surrounded the city, and who knows if the famous and enigmatic Larissa of the Pelasgians was not located here. The city had a commercial and cultural relationship with other cities of Magna Graecia, as evidenced by the huge necropolis from the 7th-6th century BC.

Over the centuries, Atena underwent many transformations, mainly due to the arrival of Lucanian populations. The arrival of the Lucanians brought about several changes in the city, both in terms of civil engineering and culture. Under Lucanian rule, it was also designated as one of the twelve confederate municipalities.

Atena's entrance into the Roman sphere dates back to the war between the Romans and Pyrrhus (280-275 BC). The city acquired Roman citizenship and became an important Municipium known as the "CampusAtinas." The Roman city had significant public buildings, including temples dedicated to Jupiter, Cybele, Asclepius, and the Genius of "Municipium Atinate."

Places to visit

Archaeological Park of Grumentum

The Archaeological Park of Grumentum covers about 13 hectares. It contains the Roman theater, the Forum, baths, the residential quarter, the Acropolis, and the Fountain of Roses. The site represents one of the best-preserved from the Roman age in the Campania region.

Grotto of Wonders

The Grotto of Wonders is one of the largest caves in Campania. It was discovered in 1954 by a farmer who noticed a hole in the ground and decided to explore it. Inside, there are stalactites, stalagmites, columns, drapes, calcareous concretions, and underground lakes with crystal-clear waters.

Valle di Diano

Valle di Diano is a valley located in the Campania region, characterized by extraordinary natural beauty. Crossed by the Tanagro River, the valley has been inhabited since prehistoric times, as evidenced by the numerous archaeological remains.


Atena Lucana represents one of the most important historical centers in the Campania region, a city with ancient origins. The city is located on the border between Campania and Basilicata, a strategic position both from a historical and tourist point of view. Visiting Atena Lucana means immersing yourself in ancient history but also enjoying the natural beauty of the surrounding area.

Camilla Ricci
Wrote by Camilla Ricci
Updated Friday, Apr 1, 2022