
Montegrosso d'Asti: a town of history and beauty in Astesana

Hello everyone! Today I will talk about Montegrosso d'Asti, a town of just over two thousand inhabitants located in the province of Asti, famous for its history, beauty of its territory, and for being part of the UNESCO Heritage.

Physical Geography

Montegrosso d'Asti is located about 15 km from Asti, in the historic region of Astesana, famous for its fine wines. The surrounding territory is typically hilly, with landscapes that give unique and unforgettable experiences.

Montegrosso d'Asti: history, beauty, and gastronomy among the hills of Asti.


Origins of the territory

Do you want to know what Astesana is made of? Then I have to take you back five million years, when the area that now occupies this territory was a deep sea less than 200 meters deep. With the accumulation of sediments, the seabed rose and numerous hill reliefs were formed. But that's not all! 2-3 million years ago, the area was a vast plain dotted with lakes and marshes that harbored incredible fauna such as rhinoceroses, elephants, hyenas, and cheetahs. Finally, a million and eight hundred thousand years ago, the Ice Age began, and the territory underwent great climate changes, modifying the biotic environment with an abundance of conifers and the appearance of the mammoth.

The late Middle Ages

But let's move on to more recent history... Local tradition tells that the foundation of the village dates back to 1134 when the survivors of a pestilence decided to settle on the hill of the current settlement. Historical reality, however, takes us back to 1198 when the municipality of Asti granted citizenship to numerous villages of the Tiglione valley for the foundation of a new settlement. Among these was Montegrosso. The village was built in 1205, and in 1207 the church of San Secondo was also built, which still dominates the main square of the village today. From then on, Montegrosso remained under the direct domination of Asti and was included in the Districtus Civitatis Astensis, a territorial formation consisting of about twenty municipalities and villages.

Between Guelfs and Ghibellines

But Montegrosso was not immune to the political feuds that opposed the Guelfs and Ghibellines for control of the city and its territory. The fact of being a demesne village cost the village heavy involvement in the civil wars that plagued Asti in the first decades of the fourteenth century.

Beauties to discover

The historic center

Montegrosso d'Asti is a town of great beauty, rich in history and traditions. In the center of the village stands the church of San Secondo, patron saint of Montegrosso, dating back to the thirteenth century and restored in the eighteenth century. Here you can admire the grand altarpiece of 1596, painted by the Turin painter Giovanni Martino Spanzotti. The historic center of the village is characterized by an irregular pattern of roads, with alleys winding between the walls of the houses and leading to small squares of incomparable charm.

The Tower of Montegrosso

The Tower of Montegrosso was built in the thirteenth century, in medieval times, as an instrument of control of the surrounding territory. From the windows at the top, you can enjoy a breathtaking view of the surrounding countryside.

The historical Farms

Montegrosso is also famous for its historical farms, which testify to the long agricultural tradition of the territory. Here you can admire the ancient cellars, stables, and homes of the peasants that still resist modernity today.


You cannot talk about Montegrosso without mentioning gastronomy, which reflects the culinary tradition of Asti. Here you can taste typical dishes such as bagna cauda, ravioli al plin, vitello tonnato, and many more.


Montegrosso d'Asti is a town worth visiting, a small gem set among the gentle hills of Astesana. History, beauty, gastronomy, and much more await you. You won't regret it!

Fabio Marino
Wrote by Fabio Marino
Updated Saturday, Jul 9, 2022