
Rivotorto: the history of a hamlet in Assisi

Rivotorto is one of the most populated hamlets in the area of Assisi. Located at the foot of Mount Subasio, Rivotorto is only 3 km away from the city of Assisi and has 1,284 inhabitants. The village is also known as Rigobello.


The name derives from the stream "rivo" that flows near the Sanctuary of Rivotorto, but the village has a history closely linked to the life of St. Francis. In fact, Francesco's father, Pietro di Bernardone, owned several lands in the area, and Francesco, when he decided to abandon his comfortable life, stayed for a long time in the "tugurio," a low stone building covered with branches. The presumed remains of this building are kept inside the large church of Rivotorto.

Rivotorto: history, economy, and monuments of an Umbrian hamlet.

Economy and Events

Agriculture play an important role in the economy of the hamlet of Rivotorto, especially horticulture, floriculture, and nursery farming. In addition, there are numerous industrial companies operating in the sectors of wood, cement, and knitwear.

But the hamlet comes alive mainly during the August fair, called "Rassegna degli antichi sapori" (Exhibition of ancient flavors).

Monuments and Places of Interest

The hamlet of Rivotorto is rich in monuments and places of interest, including the large church that preserves inside the Sacred Hut, one of the first dwellings of St. Francis. Next to the church, there is a convent with a large cloister.

In Rivotorto, there is also the largest British cemetery in Umbria, the United Kingdom, and Commonwealth War Graves Cemetery.

But it doesn't end there; there are also the Church of the Holy Trinity, the Church of Santa Maria Maddalena, the Church of San Rufino in Arce, and more.

The Church of the Holy Trinity dates back to the 11th century and stands on a Roman building with a frescoed apse. The Oratory of San Giovanni Battista, instead, preserves three frescoes by an unknown author. The former Church of San Pietro della Spina, on the other hand, was subsequently incorporated into a farmhouse and used until the early 1900s, and now serves as a warehouse for agricultural equipment for the Rivotorto family.

The Church of Santa Maria Maddalena, on the other hand, is a Romanesque church from the 12th century located on the outskirts of Rivotorto, on the road that leads to Santa Maria degli Angeli. In the same area, there is the former leper hospital of San Lazzaro dell'Arce, also frequented by St. Francis, of which only the chapel with the stone façade and the bell tower remains today. The apse of the church has a 17th-century fresco.

Finally, the Church of San Rufino in Arce is located not far from the Church of Santa Maria Maddalena towards Castelnuovo and has been incorporated into a farmhouse. The Church preserves frescoes from the 15th-16th century.

These are just some of the places to visit in Rivotorto. Come and discover the beauty of this hamlet in Assisi.

Federico Conte
Updated Thursday, Nov 17, 2022