
Welcome to Petrignano: history and geography

Hello! Today I'm going to talk to you about Petrignano, a hamlet of the municipality of Assisi in the province of Perugia. Petrignano is located to the right of the Chiascio river, just 8 km northwest of Assisi, and is inhabited by over 2,500 people. The history of this locality dates back to the year One Thousand, when the village was called Petronianum, meaning the possession of Saint Peter. The name, in fact, referred to the assets assigned to the Benedictine monastery of the Basilica of San Pietro in Perugia. In 1232, there were about 200 people living there, while in the sixteenth century, crossing the river was only possible by boat to ferry the inhabitants from one bank to the other.

A hero of the Risorgimento and World War II

Petrignano can boast the honor of being the birthplace of General Luigi Masi, hero of the Risorgimento, protagonist of the assault on the Rocca of Narni in 1860. Moreover, this hamlet of Assisi has been the object of several destructions, including the bridge over the Chiascio river, rebuilt by Nazi Germany in 1945, shortly after the end of World War II.

Petrignano: History, Geography and Economy of a Fraction of Assisi

The economy of Petrignano

Petrignano has developed a lot in recent decades, thanks to the Special Law for Assisi. This law provided special tax breaks for companies that would relocate to this area, which has become a very prolific industrial center. Many important companies are located in this area, including Colussi, Mignini Mangimi, and Binova. In addition, the surrounding territory of Petrignano is used to draw drinking water through artesian wells.

Places of interest to visit in Petrignano

Petrignano is a place rich in history and beauty to visit. Among the most important monuments are the thirteenth-century castle, the parish church of San Pietro apostolo built in 1791 and consecrated in 1817, and the Church of Madonuccia, also known as "Madonna di Farina" or "Madonna del Trivio," dating back to the seventeenth century. In addition, you can visit the multipurpose hall that was once the Church of San Carlo and now hosts events and exhibitions. Finally, the church of Santa Maria Assunta, built in 1868, is a cemetery chapel that houses a canvas with the Death of Saint Stephen by Cesare Sermei. The church is located inside the cemetery and is well worth a visit for its beauty.

Petrignano is a place full of history and charm, definitely worth a visit. Discover for yourself the beauties of this hamlet of Assisi, through its architecture and traditions. You won't regret stopping in this fascinating village!

Federico Conte
Updated Thursday, Nov 17, 2022