Asigliano Vercellese

Asigliano Vercellese: A Journey Through the History and Geography of the City

Hello everyone! Today we will talk about Asigliano Vercellese, an Italian commune located in Piedmont. With a population of 1379 inhabitants, Asigliano Vercellese is a city that offers much to discover. In this article, we will explore the history and geography of the city, its monuments and places of interest.

Physical Geography

The territory of Asigliano Vercellese is flat and its altitude varies little, between 131 to the north and 118 to the east, towards Pezzana. The Bona, a stream that acts as a border between Asigliano and Desana, crosses the territory from west to east. The population is concentrated around the municipal center, while various isolated farms are located in the surrounding areas.

Asigliano Vercellese: History and Geography of a Piedmontese City


The history of Asigliano Vercellese dates back to the Roman era, when it was known as "Fundus Acilianus", named after the owner of the fund, Gens Acilia. Over the centuries, the village passed from hand to hand, from the bishop of Vercelli to Emperor Frederick Barbarossa, until it came to the Visconti and Casa Savoia. In 1436, Asigliano Vercellese was saved from a terrible plague thanks to the intervention of Vittore il Moro, who is commemorated every year with a festival on the second Sunday of May. In 1536, the village was sacked by imperial troops due to the rebellion of the population against the Duke of Savoy Charles III of Savoy. Only after the duke's pardon in 1545, could the Asiglianesi live in peace. Over the centuries, the fiefdom passed through various families, including Buronzo di Asigliano.


The flag of Asigliano Vercellese is a blue cloth.

Monuments and Places of Interest

Among the most important monuments of Asigliano Vercellese, we can mention the Church of Santa Maria Assunta, which dates back to the 19th century. The church was first mentioned in 1186 as a possession of the Vercelli church to Popes Urban III and Honorius III in 1216. The neoclassical facade with columns was created in 1818 by architects Vincenzo Sassi and Piero Martorelli, and inside it, there is a valuable organ from 1848, built by the Serassi brothers of Bergamo, and modified by Paolo Mentasti of Casale Monferrato in 1891.

Little or nothing remains of the ancient castle mentioned in an act of Bishop Ingone between 961 and 977.


Asigliano Vercellese is a city that encompasses much history and culture. If you find yourself in the vicinity, it is definitely a destination to consider for a visit. The Church of Santa Maria Assunta is one of its main monuments, but the city also offers many picturesque views and breathtaking panoramas. I hope this brief journey through the history and geography of Asigliano Vercellese has piqued your curiosity enough to make you want to visit it as soon as possible!

Davide Neri
Wrote by Davide Neri
Updated Saturday, Dec 10, 2022