
Closures: a brief introduction

Closures is a fraction of the municipality of Asciano, located in the province of Siena, in Tuscany. This village has an ancient and interesting history dating back to the 8th century. In this article, I will tell you all about the history and description of Closures, showcasing its main attractions and curiosities.

History of Closures

Closures grew around the church of Sant'Angelo in Luco, which was a subject of disputes between the Bishop of Siena and the Bishop of Arezzo. In the 14th century, the village was purchased by the Tolomei family, who already owned various territories in the area.

One of the most famous members of the Tolomei family was Bernardo Tolomei, who retired in 1313 to lead a hermitic life near Chiusure. In 1319, he founded the Olivetan Congregation, which had great importance in the context of Christian monasticism.

In 1333, Antonio di Meo Tolomei ceded the lands and houses of the village to the people of Chiusure. In 1462, the church of Sant'Angelo in Luco was entrusted to the Monte Oliveto Maggiore Abbey, becoming a part of the diocese of Montepulciano-Chiusi-Pienza.

In 1777, Chiusure became a fraction of the municipality of Asciano.

Closures: history, attractions, and curiosities in Tuscany.

Description of Closures

Closures is a village located on a hill south of Asciano. The main access is through the Porta Senese, incorporated in a residential building. Just beyond it lies a small square where you can admire a circular well and a marble column. Another well can be found in the square in front of the church of San Michele.

The church of San Michele Arcangelo is one of the four parishes of the Territorial Abbey of Monte Oliveto Maggiore. It was built in the 17th-18th century and has a simple façade with a central portal. Along the right side is a bell tower with three bells.

The Tolomei Castle is located in the upper part of the village and is one of the main points of interest of Closures. Dating back to the 14th century, the castle is structured around a courtyard, overlooking which are the cassero and the chapel of San Leonardo.

The Monte Oliveto Maggiore Abbey is located not far from Chiusure and was founded by Bernardo Tolomei in 1319. The abbey consists of the Cathedral of the Nativity of Mary of Monte Oliveto Maggiore, inside which there is a precious carved wooden choir. The monastery is structured around three cloisters, including the large cloister, whose walls are frescoed with the Stories of Saint Benedict of Monte Oliveto Maggiore by Luca Signorelli and Il Sodoma.


Closures is a fascinating and unique village, with an ancient history and many attractions to visit. If you love Tuscan history and culture, Closures is definitely a place you should include on your list of visits. I hope this article has been helpful and has allowed you to discover the beauties of this small village nestled on the hills of Tuscany.

Elisa Lombardi
Updated Thursday, Jul 28, 2022