
Welcome to Artena: a brief geographical tour

Artena is a Municipality located in the metropolitan city of Rome Capital, in Lazio. Its territory develops in the high valley of the Sacco river, perched on the first foothills of the Lepini mountains at 420 meters above sea level, and is only 30 km south of Rome. Bordering the municipalities of Cori and Rocca Massima to the south, Colleferro and Segni to the east, Lariano and Rocca di Papa to the west and Rocca Priora, Palestrina and Valmontone to the north, Artena offers a breathtaking panorama characteristic of central Italy.

Artena: a hidden treasure of Central Italy

Geographical features of Artena


Artena extends over a high limestone ridge, the northern foothills of the Ernico-Lepino-Ausona ridge that extends to the Tyrrhenian Sea. It has a rather rugged morphology with very steep slopes over 40% and is subject to karst phenomena that have given rise to sinkholes, wells and swallow holes. The highest point is 621 meters above sea level.


The climate of Artena belongs to zone D of the Italian municipality climatic classification, characterized by hot summers and not particularly cold winters. Summer temperatures can reach 35-36 degrees, and the last major snowfalls date back to the Nevicata of 1985 and the Cold Wave of February 2012.

Origins of the name

Artena, once known as Montefortino, took its current name in 1873, in honor of the ancient city of the Volsci, on whose site it is believed to have been founded. The origin of this name has been traced by the historian Livy (III,30) who reports the battle of Marcus Horatius Pulvillus on Mount Algidus (459 BC): "Horatius, cum iam Aequi Corbione interfecto praesidio Ortonam etiam cepissent, in Algido pugnat [ ... ]", "The consul Marcus Horatius Pulvillus engages in battle on Mount Algidus since the Equi, having annihilated the garrison of Corbione, had also conquered Ortona". The name Ortona is identical to both the Frentanian city that stands on a steep promontory by the sea and to the town of Ortona in Marsica, which stands on a steep hill by the river.


In conclusion, Artena is a Municipality with ancient origins, rich in history, monuments and breathtaking views. Walking through its streets, discovering its hidden beauties, means taking a real dive into Italian history and culture. An ideal place for a day trip, away from the chaos of the city, but not too far from it. Artena represents an ideal setting to savor the charm of central Italy and enjoy its Mediterranean climate all year round.

Martina Moretti
Updated Wednesday, Jun 15, 2022