
Casteldilago: a hidden gem in Umbria

Have you ever heard of Casteldilago? This small village in the municipality of Arrone, in the province of Terni, could be the perfect destination for those looking for a quiet place to relax and enjoy the beauty of Umbria.

Located just 2 km from the town center, Casteldilago is at an altitude of 292 meters and has about 441 inhabitants, according to the 2001 census data. If you want to escape the hustle and bustle of the city and immerse yourself in nature, this could be the right place for you.

Infrastructure and transportation

If you want to visit Casteldilago, the Strada statale 209 Valnerina will be your travel companion. In addition, the village was served, from 1909 to 1960, by the Terni-Ferentillo tramway, which greatly facilitated the transport of goods and people along the Nera valley. Although this infrastructure is no longer in use today, it is still possible to admire some stretches of tracks and stone bridges that cross the village.

Casteldilago: the charming village of Umbria.


Casteldilago was an autonomous municipality, called Castel di Lago, until 1875, when it was merged into the current municipality of Arrone, which at the time was part of the province of Perugia. Today the village is part of the province of Terni and presents itself as an oasis of peace and natural beauty.

If you are looking for a destination off the beaten tourist path, Casteldilago could be your ideal choice. With its hilly landscape and relaxing atmosphere, it will make you forget the worries of daily life and leave you with an unforgettable memory of Umbria.

Irene Mariani
Wrote by Irene Mariani
Updated Thursday, Oct 20, 2022