
Arrone: an Umbrian gem

Arrone is a picturesque Italian municipality in the province of Terni, located in Umbria. This small town, with approximately 2538 inhabitants, is part of the prestigious club "I borghi più belli d'Italia" thanks to its ancient history and well-preserved medieval architecture.


The history of Arrone dates back to the 9th century when a Roman nobleman decided to settle in Valnerina and build a fortified castle on one of the rocky promontories. The name of the town derives from this noble family, the Arrones, who controlled a vast territory that extended from Papigno to S. Pietro in Valle, from Miranda to Labbro, from Piediluco to Melaci and Polino.

In the 13th century, Arrone had to submit to the new Municipality of Spoleto, progressively losing land, autonomy, and prestige. Only in 1315 did the people of Arrone redeem all the municipal territory from the ancient lords, and in 1347 it became a municipality.

During the 17th and 18th centuries, Arrone was a protagonist of the revolt of the Bassa Valnerina against the feudal system of Spoleto, suffering looting by the Lanzichenecchi in 1527 and by the French in 1799.

With the restoration of the Papal State, previously independent communities were incorporated into Arrone as fractions.

Arrone: history and monuments of an Umbrian hamlet.


In Arrone, the fortified castle is one of the most important monuments, with the upper part of the town still preserving the medieval urban layout, with picturesque walls and alleys. Also worth visiting are the civic bell tower, the "olive tree" tower, the Church of San Giovanni Battista, with Umbrian school frescoes, the Church of Santa Maria Assunta, and the former Convent of San Francesco.

In the nearby hamlet of Casteldilago, do not miss the church of San Nicola, with frescoes by Giovanni di Pietro, called "Lo Spagna," or by one of his pupils, and the sanctuary of the Madonna dello Scoglio Rotondo.


Thanks to its proximity to the Nera river, Arrone hosts many summer events such as canoe and self-built watercraft races. During the summer, the Sagra dell'acqua cotta in honor of the Patron Saint Giovanni il Battista takes place near the canoe center. At Christmas time, you can watch the representation of the living nativity scene at the ancient castle.

Society and infrastructure

The demographic evolution of Arrone over the years has been consistent, and the city is reachable by traveling on the State Road 209 Valnerina.

Between 1909 and 1960, Arrone was served by the common station in Montefranco via the Terni-Ferentillo tramway, an infrastructure created to facilitate the transport of goods and people along the Nera valley.


Arrone is a member of two important associations: Città dell'Olio (City of Oil) and I Borghi più belli d'Italia (The Most Beautiful Villages in Italy).


The football team of the municipality, the Gruppo Sportivo Arrone, played until 2009 in the Group E of Serie D.


Arrone is an Umbrian gem that embodies ancient history and a valuable architectural heritage. Anyone who visits this town will be fascinated by its medieval atmosphere and the beauty of its monuments. Finally, the events held throughout the year make Arrone a lively and interesting place.

Irene Mariani
Wrote by Irene Mariani
Updated Thursday, Oct 20, 2022