
Welcome to the Province of Imperia!

Hello everyone! Today I want to talk to you about the wonderful Province of Imperia, a place characterized by the beauty of its cities and natural landscapes. But first, let me explain exactly what it is.

Located in the Liguria region, the province of Imperia has a population of just over 200,000 people and borders Piedmont, the province of Savona, France, and the Ligurian Sea. The capital is Imperia, a very charming city with around 42,000 inhabitants, but the largest city in the province is Sanremo with over 54,000 inhabitants. Other important cities are Ventimiglia with its 24,000 inhabitants and Taggia with its 13,900 inhabitants.

Physical Geography

The province is located in the most western and southern part of Liguria and is divided into three areas: Imperiese, Sanremese, and Ventimigliese. All three areas offer breathtaking landscapes, from sea views to rugged mountains.

Discover the magic of the Imperia province: cities, sea, and mountains.


The territory of the current province of Imperia was part of the Province of Nice until 1860 when much of the province was ceded to France and the rest became the province of Porto Maurizio. Only after the merger between Porto Maurizio and Imperia did the province of Imperia assume its current name.

During World War II, part of the province was occupied by the French army, but thanks to the intervention of US President Harry Truman, the French troops were forced to withdraw.


The official coat of arms of the province of Imperia was approved in 1927.


The province of Imperia has been awarded the Gold Medal for Military Valor for the sacrifices of its populations and for its activity in partisan resistance during World War II.


Ethnic and foreign minorities

The province of Imperia has a foreign population of 10.66% of the total, with Sanremo having the highest number of foreign residents, followed by Airole, where the percentage of foreign residents compared to the Italian population is 28.24%.


Catholicism is the most widely practiced religion in the province of Imperia, with the province divided between the dioceses of Albenga-Imperia and Ventimiglia-San Remo.


The province of Imperia is rich in culture, including the art cities of Ventimiglia, Sanremo, and Imperia that offer an endless list of tourist attractions. Attractions include the Balzi Rossi, the Roman archaeological area, the medieval town of Ventimiglia, and the famous Hanbury botanic gardens. Imperia is famous for its Church of San Maurizio, the largest in Liguria, while Sanremo is known for its Casino and Russian Church.

And this is just a brief taste of what the province of Imperia has to offer! I invite you to visit and discover more about the hidden treasures of this magical region.

Alessandro Romano
Updated Monday, Aug 22, 2022