
Ari, a small town in the province

Hello everyone! Today I want to tell you about a town that perhaps many of you do not know: Ari. It is a small municipality located in the province of Chieti, in Abruzzo, which has about 1000 inhabitants. Ari is part of the union of municipalities of the Vallata del Foro and is an agricultural center of the Subappennino, located on a spur to the left of the Dendalo stream.

The history of Ari

The town of Ari has a long history dating back to 870 when, among the possessions of the abbey of Montecassino, a ''sancti Petri in loco qui dicitur Ari'' (St. Peter in the place called Ari) is mentioned. Folklore has always connected the origin of the San Pietro district with a monastic community, a voice attested by the presence of some ruins, perhaps of a convent. Perhaps the foundation of Ari is to be found precisely around a monastery to draw sustenance and protection.

Over the centuries, the town passed into the hands of various feudal lords, including Rinaldo de Aro, Guglielmo Carbone, Francesco della Torre and the Ramignani. In the 20th century, Ari became an important literary and artistic center, thanks to Baroness Frances Picton Warlow Nolli, who created the famous "Pensione Inglese" in the town. Among the baroness's guests were Italian and foreign artists, writers and intellectuals, such as Gabriele D'Annunzio, Luigi Pirandello and Guglielmo Marconi.

Ari, a small town in Abruzzo: history, monuments and culture.

The monuments of Ari

Despite its small size, Ari hosts several monuments of historical and cultural interest. One of these is the castle-palace, which was probably a noble palace not built for defensive purposes. The battlement tower next to the entrance gate, in Piazza Bucciante, was built in the 1700s, perhaps on the remains of a pre-existing castle. From the 16th century, various families, including the Carafa, had a turn in the palace; since 1577, the Ramignani, camerlengo of Chieti, have resided there and used this palace as a summer residence.

At the San Giovanni caves, a votive bronze statue was found, currently housed at the "Museo archeologico La Civitella". The statue depicts a man in a skirt who holds a plate in his right hand as an offering or request to a deity.


Here is a brief account of the main characteristics of Ari, a small municipality but rich in history and culture. If you are in the area, I recommend stopping by to visit its monuments and discover its fascinating history.

Elisa Lombardi
Updated Saturday, Jul 16, 2022