
The Campotto Valleys: A Peaceful Place for Hiking

The Campotto Valleys are a protected natural area located in the Emilia-Romagna region, in the municipality of Argenta in the province of Ferrara. South of the city and bounded to the north by the Reno river, the Campotto Valleys include three wetland areas, the main one being the Campotto oasis. Although they are not suitable for swimming, the valleys have been adopted by many as the perfect place for hiking and sports fishing. This area is surprising for its natural beauty and its historical richness.

The Bassarone Oasis: An Important Wetland Area

The Bassarone Oasis is the smallest and northernmost of the three wetland areas. It collects excess water from the Lorgana canal before it flows into the Reno river. Although very small, this wetland area is very important both from a historical point of view, as the famous church of San Giorgio is located nearby, and from a naturalistic point of view, as it preserves a large grove of water lilies.

The Valleys of Campotto: nature, history and excursions.

The Campotto Oasis: The Importance of the Idice River Expansion Basin

The real Campotto oasis is the expansion basin of the Idice river. It was built in modern times following drainage works in areas that were once marshy. The Idice river played the role of collecting the waters of many streams that ended in swamps due to the deviation of the Reno river towards the sea. The Campotto oasis, bordered by the Idice and Reno rivers and with a trapezoidal shape, collected excess water from the river before it flowed into the Reno, causing serious floods. Although it may look like a huge drainage ditch, the Idice river was still at risk of overflowing. For this reason, the Campotto oasis is of great importance for the influence modelled on this region by the Reno river.

The Valle Santa Oasis: The Expansion Basin of the Sillaro River

The Valle Santa oasis is the expansion basin of the Sillaro river, coming from Castel San Pietro Terme, and is separated from the Campotto oasis by the Traversante forest. With a triangular shape, Valle Santa has the same function as Campotto, but to a lesser extent, as the Sillaro has a lower average flow rate than the Idice. In addition, the Valle Santa oasis hosts another small wetland area of square shape known as the "wet meadow of Valle Santa".


The Campotto Valleys are a charming place where the beauty of nature blends with the history of the region. These three wetland areas demonstrate how man has been able to adapt to change and transform once marshy areas into an oasis of natural beauty, now becoming the ideal place for hiking and sports fishing. Thanks to the three wetland areas that make up the Campotto Valleys, Emilia-Romagna can enjoy extraordinary natural assets, with unparalleled historical and cultural richness.

Luca Bianchi
Wrote by Luca Bianchi
Updated Tuesday, Sep 20, 2022