
La Delizia di Benvignante: a Monumental Residence

Hello friends, today I will talk to you about the Delizia di Benvignante, one of the famous "delizie estensi" built by the Dukes of Ferrara. Located in the municipality of Argenta, between the hamlets of San Nicolò and Consandolo, the residence gives its name to the hamlet of Benvignante.

History and Description of the Delizia di Benvignante

The Delizia, commissioned in 1464 by Pietro Benvenuto degli Ordini, was donated by Borso d'Este to the loyal secretary Teofilo Calcagnini, who made it available for meetings of the Accademia dei Filareti. In 1481, the beautiful Beatrice d'Este stayed in the residence. Subsequently, it passed through the hands of various owners until it was purchased in the nineteenth century by Count Luigi Gulinelli, who made it more imposing and surrounded by a four-hectare park. Gulinelli endowed the residence with famous racing horse farms, also visited by King Victor Emmanuel II. Currently, the Delizia di Benvignante belongs to the municipality of Argenta.

In 2000, the Delizia di Benvignante, along with other "delizie," was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The Delizia di Benvignante: History and Beauty UNESCO Heritage.

Notes on the Delizia di Benvignante

If you are passionate about history or art, the Delizia di Benvignante is one of the places you cannot miss! Thanks to its history and beauty, it has become a must-visit destination for tourists visiting Ferrara and its province.

Related Entries

If you are passionate about the history of the Delizia di Benvignante, you can deepen your knowledge of the "delizie estensi," the Este family, the Calcagnini, and the Duchy of Ferrara and Modena and Reggio.

Other Projects on the Delizia di Benvignante

If you want to know more about the Delizia di Benvignante, its history, and its beauty, I recommend visiting the UNESCO and Castelli Emilia Romagna websites, which offer detailed information on the residence and its cultural and artistic value.

I hope you enjoyed this brief description of the Delizia di Benvignante and that it gave you an idea of how unique and interesting this place is. I wish you a pleasant visit!

Luca Bianchi
Wrote by Luca Bianchi
Updated Tuesday, Sep 20, 2022