
A new discovery: Anita, a corner of history in the Valli di Comacchio

If you are looking for a place to find peace and tranquility, I recommend visiting Anita, a hamlet of the municipality of Argenta, in the province of Ferrara. Here you can find the beauty of the natural environment that surrounds the village, with the river Reno and the Valli di Comacchio just a few kilometers away, but also a cultural heritage made up of history and charm.

Physical geography

Anita is located in the easternmost part of the municipality of Argenta, an area with a strong connection to nature and great environmental beauty. Thanks to its proximity to the river Reno and the Valli di Comacchio, Anita offers a breathtaking panorama and the opportunity to take pleasant walks in the open air.

Anita: a historical and natural gem in the Valli di Comacchio.


The name Anita derives from Anita Garibaldi, the wife of Giuseppe Garibaldi, who died in this area of the municipality of Argenta, precisely in the Guiccioli farm in Mandriole.


Anita is a planned city, built in 1939 on the initiative of the fascist regime. The decision to found a rural village in the area was due to the realization of agricultural reclamation work started in 1921, which had led to the appropriation of the surrounding land. For this reason, it was necessary to establish a human community and build a residential center. The inauguration of the village took place on December 20, 1939, in the presence of high-ranking officials of the fascist regime. During World War II, Anita was involved both materially and with military actions, but managed to maintain its original appearance thanks to its secluded position relative to the main conflict zones. In the post-war period, the village experienced a period of demographic growth, which lasted until the 1960s.

Monuments and places of interest

A large space is dedicated to rationalist architecture in the village, with the presence of important buildings such as the church, the school, and the fascist house, all built after the foundation of Anita in 1939. The church, in particular, is a construction of remarkable architectural value, with a large and bright stained glass window at the back of the presbytery, which gives light to the environment and confers an atmosphere of great serenity.


Visit Anita to discover the beauty of a village that has managed to maintain its charm and history, despite the passage of time. The fraction of Argenta is a unique travel experience for nature and culture lovers, who will immerse themselves in an enchanted atmosphere among architectural and natural beauties of great value.

Luca Bianchi
Wrote by Luca Bianchi
Updated Tuesday, Sep 20, 2022