
Welcome to Arese: a brief introduction

Hello friends, today I will talk to you about Arese, an Italian municipality located in the metropolitan city of Milan in Lombardy. Arese has approximately 19,500 inhabitants and is located 13 kilometers from the center of Milan. In this text, I will talk to you about the physical geography of the city, the origins of its name, and some curiosities about its past.

Physical geography of Arese

As I mentioned earlier, Arese is located in the northwest part of Milan, and its territory is triangular in shape. To the east of the city stretches the Strada statale 233 Varesina, while to the west lies the Autostrada dei Laghi. To the north of Arese flows the Villoresi canal. The geology of Arese includes a muddy part with the presence of rocky debris, sand, and gravel, and a part with clay rich in iron. There are eight wells for water supply in the municipal area. In addition, part of the northern territory of Arese is located in the Parco delle Groane, a nature reserve that extends for about 6000 hectares in the north of Milan and the province of Monza and Brianza.

Arese: History, Geography, and Curiosities of the Lombard Municipality.

Origins of the name of Arese

The origins of the name Arese are still a subject of debate among scholars. According to the legal expert Raffaele Fagnani, the name was given by a group of Hungarian soldiers who settled in this place around 507 AD and decided to call it Alessium in honor of their king Alessio. This theory, however, has no historical basis. More likely, instead, the name Arese would derive from the Celtic etymology ''Ar-es'' meaning "upper land". In any case, the village seems to have much more remote origins, as would result from the discovery of a large necropolis dating from the III - II century BC at the border with the nearby municipality of Terrazzano.


In conclusion, Arese is an Italian municipality with a rich and interesting history. If you are passionate about archeology, you could enjoy a visit to the necropolis near Terrazzano. If you love nature, the Parco delle Groane is definitely a place not to be missed. In any case, I hope that this text has given you some useful information about the municipality of Arese and that it has aroused your curiosity to visit it!

Elisa Lombardi
Updated Friday, Jun 10, 2022