Lago di Fimon

Lake Fimon: a natural gem in the heart of the province of Vicenza

Located between the hamlets of Pianezze and Lapio, Lake Fimon is a small body of water - just 0.68 km² - but of great importance from a naturalistic and archaeological perspective. In this article, we will take you on a journey to discover this protected wonder inserted in the Nature 2000 of the European Union, and we will introduce you to its fauna, flora, and thousand-year-old history.

Natural and Faunal data

Lake Fimon represents a particularly valuable ecosystem that hosts numerous species of flora and fauna, some of which are very rare and endangered. For this reason, the lake has become a protected area, included in the list of Sites of Community Interest and Special Conservation Zones of the European Union.

Among the animal species that populate the lake, there are some amphibians that use it for reproduction, including the Bufo Bufo, whose protection is carried out by the SOS Anfibi Vicenza volunteer group.

Lake Fimon: a natural gem between history and biodiversity.

Fish fauna

Lake Fimon is inhabited by various fish species, including carp, tench, pike, scardola, eels, catfish, and abramide. However, new species have appeared since the 80s. Among these, there are the trout perch, the sun perch, the royal perch, the catfish, and the abramide.

The fish population is different from what could be found in the lake in past centuries, especially due to the arrival of some invasive species. However, sport fishing is still allowed in Lake Fimon, provided that certain rules are respected.

Archaeological Interest

But Lake Fimon is not only a natural wonder. In its surroundings, there are also important archaeological sites, testimony to the presence of man in this area for millennia.

Remains dating back to the Neolithic Age

The oldest remains date back to the Neolithic Age, in the ancient phase of square-mouthed vessels, with radiocarbon dating placing them in the first half of the 4th millennium BC. Among the most important finds, there are remains of huts with a hearth, which rested on horizontal structures of intersecting poles, and fireplaces made of limestone blocks covered with clay and silt.

The settlement

Near the huts, vertically planted poles have been found, which at first had led to the belief of a pile-dwelling settlement. However, studies conducted in the following years have allowed for a better understanding of the organization of the Neolithic settlement of Fimon.

Remains from the Bronze Age

In the surrounding area of the lake, numerous traces of human presence during the Bronze Age have been found. Among these, there are the remains of a necropolis, with tombs made of stone blocks, and a residential complex consisting of various pile-dwellings.


In conclusion, Lake Fimon is a place of great naturalistic and archaeological interest that deserves to be visited. Thanks to its wide variety of animal and plant species, and its historical importance, the lake represents a real gem in the heart of the province of Vicenza.

Simone Costa
Wrote by Simone Costa
Updated Thursday, Sep 8, 2022