
Welcome to Lake Fimon: a natural and archaeological treasure in the province of Vicenza

Lake Fimon is located in the municipality of Arcugnano, province of Vicenza, and is a must-visit for nature and history lovers. Despite its modest dimensions, only 0.68 km² and an average depth of 2 m, this body of water represents a valuable ecosystem for its rich biodiversity.

Natural and Faunal Data

Lake Fimon is included in the "Natura 2000" protected area of the European Union and is classified as a Site of Community Interest and a Special Conservation Area together with the Colli Berici area. Among the animal species present in the lake, which represent an integration to the surrounding biodiversity, are amphibians such as the Bufo bufo. Despite the drastic decline in their presence due to anthropic causes since the 1990s, they are the object of attention and protection by the volunteer group SOS Anfibi Vicenza.

The natural and archaeological treasure of Fimon Lake: discover its diversity in the province of Vicenza.

Fish Fauna

Lake Fimon's environment is ideal for the presence of a wide range of fish, some of which have been present for over a century, including carp, tench, pike, scardola, eels, and lasca. Over the years, new species have appeared such as the trout perch, sun perch, royal perch, catfish, and European catfish. Among the more recent species, since 1980, is the abramide, originally from Central-Eastern Europe.

Archaeological Interest

The Fimon area is of great archaeological interest, thanks to the remains of settlements dating back to at least two different epochs. The Vicenza naturalist Paolo Lioy was a pioneer in the analysis and cataloging of the archaeological remains in the Fimon area.

Remains dating back to the Neolithic

The remains dating back to the Neolithic can be attributed to the early phase of square-mouthed vessels, dating back to the first half of the 4th millennium BC. The main discovery concerns the remains of huts with a fireplace resting on horizontal structures of crossed poles. Circular structures with vertical poles have also been found.

Remains from the Bronze Age

The remains from the Bronze Age, present in the vicinity of Lake Fimon, consist of cremation burials, in which the funerary urn in the shape of a semi-spherical dome containing the ashes of the deceased is kept in a circular pit, sometimes accompanied by vessels, weapons, and ornamental objects.

Visitors to Lake Fimon can admire not only the natural landscape but also a historical and cultural heritage that reminds us of the ancient civilizations that inhabited it through the centuries. If you are nature and history lovers, this hidden treasure in the heart of the province of Vicenza is just what you're looking for!

Simone Costa
Wrote by Simone Costa
Updated Thursday, Sep 8, 2022