
Welcome to Arcugnano: a brief introduction to the Venetian municipality

Hello everyone! Today I will talk to you about Arcugnano, an Italian municipality in the province of Vicenza, Veneto. With its 7722 inhabitants, it is a scattered municipality where the municipal headquarters are located in Torri, not in the homonymous locality. But don't worry, this doesn't mean you can't visit its beautiful landscapes!

Physical geography: valleys, lakes and hilly territory

One of the main attractions of the municipality is Lake Fimon, a small body of water located at the center of various naturalistic redevelopment projects. But did you know that until the first half of the fifteenth century, there was a large lake in that area called Lacus de Longara? Today only the valleys remain, which are ideal for walking or cycling.

The territory of Arcugnano extends over the Berici Hills, a mountain range of marine origin consisting mainly of carbonates. Thanks to the presence of fossilized organisms, it is believed that the succession of rock layers was caused by a slow process of deposition of sand, mud, and fragments of mollusk shells on the bottom of a warm tropical sea.

Arcugnano: landscapes between lake, valleys, and hills.

Territory: flora and fauna

In the municipality of Arcugnano, the flora is characterized by thermophilic vegetation, i.e. of a warm climate environment, and microthermal vegetation, typical of high-altitude environments. Among the plants, the Stipa austroitalica stands out, which is part of the Eurasian flora. But the most characteristic plant in the area is the water chestnut, which lives in Lake Fimon.

As for fauna, large animals such as wolves and brown bears have long disappeared, but the fox and some mustelids such as Meles meles, Martes foina, weasel, and wildcat still survive. And if you're lucky, you might spot some bird species like the hoopoe, the great spotted woodpecker, or the red kite.


Here's a brief introduction to the municipality of Arcugnano! I hope you enjoyed it. If you have the chance, I recommend visiting this corner of Veneto, which offers beautiful landscapes and still intact nature. See you next time!

Simone Costa
Wrote by Simone Costa
Updated Thursday, Sep 8, 2022