
Piticchio - A charming medieval village in the Marche region

Hello everyone! Today I will talk to you about a medieval village that I recently discovered and that enchanted me with its beauty: Piticchio, located 400 meters above sea level in the municipality of Arcevia, in the province of Ancona, Marche region.

Physical geography

Piticchio is a village situated on a hill that rises to 379 meters above sea level, about seven kilometers from the center of Arcevia, in the direction of Serra de' Conti.

Piticchio: the medieval village of Arcevia, Marche.


This medieval village belonged until 1200 to the Bishop of Senigallia, together with the nearby Montale. The first written traces of the castle were obtained in 1223 as a bishop's property. Later, in 1293, it was annexed to Rocca Contrada, the ancient name of Arcevia, and destroyed several times.

Monuments and places of interest

The village has a well-preserved city wall with its completely walkable watchtower. Along the way, you can admire the medieval castle, with a fifteenth-century layout that has been excellently restored today. The castle was destroyed several times at the end of the thirteenth century and underwent significant rebuilding in the sixteenth century by the Bellinzona family. Between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, part of the entrance with a double door was rebuilt, creating the current terrace.

Worthy of note is also the Church of San Sebastiano, which presents the traces of various construction phases from the fifteenth century to the present day. Inside, it preserves a wooden altarpiece, carved and gilded, dating back to the sixteenth century, on which three canvases and two panels dating back to the period around 1580-1590 and attributable to Ercole Ramazzani are inserted.

Of great historical interest are also the double patrician house, belonging to the two powerful families of Destrani and Giampieri.


The village is enlivened in November thanks to the Autumn Festival, which has almost reached its quarter of a century. The festival is promoted with the help of the local association "Amici di Piticchio." During the festival, you can taste local culinary specialties and participate in numerous activities organized by the community.


Among the typical local productions are wine, olive oil, honey, spelt, and Lathyrus sativus. Organic agriculture is extremely widespread in Piticchio. In addition, the production of food products based on meat, such as the "crespo scondito" and the "tosto," is also common.

Image gallery

If you want to admire the beauty of Piticchio, I suggest you take a look at our photo gallery. Here you will find photos of all the historical monuments that I have described.


If you are passionate about history and want to deepen your knowledge of the places you visit, I recommend reading the following novels: "Piticchio" by V. Villani and "Arcevia. New itinerary in history and art" by P. Santini.

External links

If you want to know Piticchio better, I suggest you visit the official website of the "Amici di Piticchio" Association. Here you will find all the events planned, activities, and news on local typical products.

In short, if you love history and the beauty of ancient villages, you cannot miss visiting Piticchio: a magical place that will transport you back in time.

Matteo Ferrari
Updated Monday, Apr 11, 2022