
Discovering Avacelli: Origins and Territory

Hello everyone! Today I want to take you on a journey to discover a small gem located in the Marche region: Avacelli, a hamlet of the municipality of Arcevia. This small location is situated on a hill bordering the territory of Serra San Quirico and is the only hamlet of Arcevia that belongs to the archdiocese of Camerino-San Severino Marche. The castle of Avacelli, founded by Rocca Contrada in the distant year 1248, is the oldest testimony of human presence in this territory.

The Castle of Avacelli

Those who visit Avacelli cannot fail to admire the Castle of Avacelli, an ancient defensive structure dating back to the end of the 14th century. If you are passionate about history, you cannot miss the beautiful entrance gate with the rampart and part of the stone walls, completely without a plinth. But the real gem of the Castle is the church of San Lorenzo, built in the second half of the 15th century. Inside, you can admire a spectacular painted ceramic altarpiece depicting the Madonna of Mercy, attributed to a Marche artist influenced both by Pietro Paolo Agabiti and by the workshop of Luca della Robbia of Fra Mattia.

Avacelli: Castle, Church of San Lorenzo and Sant'Ansovino.

The Church of Sant'Ansovino

At the foot of the hill, immersed in the woods, there is another important testimony to the religious heritage of Avacelli: the church of Sant'Ansovino. This church, dedicated to Ansovino of Camerino, is the only local testimony of Romanesque architecture. Those who visit this church can admire the gabled façade with the semi-circular apse and the characteristic blind arches on the right-hand side wall. A large space inside the church is reserved for ancient re-used capitals, probably of high medieval origin, as well as frescoes and sinopia.


So here we are at the end of our visit to Avacelli. Thanks to its historical and architectural testimonies, this small hamlet of Arcevia manages to convey a strong sense of continuity with the past. If you happen to be in Marche, you cannot miss the beauty of this place. I guarantee that its beauty will leave you speechless.

Matteo Ferrari
Updated Monday, Apr 11, 2022