Arcade, a common Venetian town
Arcade is an Italian town, located in the province of Treviso, in the Veneto region. With a population of around 4,500 inhabitants, it is a small village with ancient origins, that are supposed to date back to the Roman era. It has a troubled history, marked by conflicts and natural calamities, but also by moments of great economic prosperity, thanks to its proximity to Venice and the presence of splendid Venetian villas.
The origin of the name
The name Arcade is said to refer to the arches built in ancient times to defend the territory from the floods of the Piave river. This assumption seems to be confirmed by the presence of archaeological finds that testify to the strategic importance of the area since Roman times.

History of Arcade
During the Middle Ages, Arcade was a fiefdom of the Collalto family, an aristocratic family that dominated much of the region. Later, it became part of the Republic of Venice, benefiting from its influence and economic development. However, its strategic position on the Piave route also meant that Arcade was frequently attacked and looted by foreign armies.
The economic situation was never easy for the rural areas of Veneto and Arcade was no exception. In the 19th century, many people from Arcade emigrated to the Americas, France, Switzerland, and Australia, in the hope of finding work and a better future for their families.
The Great War marked a tragic turning point for Arcade and the entire region: the proximity of the Piave front led to the destruction of houses, buildings, and land, causing numerous casualties among the civilian and military population. The Second World War also caused further damage and suffering for Arcade and its inhabitants.
The symbols of Arcade
The coat of arms of Arcade was granted by a royal decree in 1928: it consists of a blue shield, on which a gold lion is represented, passing. The banner is a blue cloth.
The population and minorities of Arcade
As of December 31, 2017, 10% of Arcade's population was composed of foreigners: the most represented immigrants were of Romanian, Moroccan, Kosovan, Chinese, Macedonian, and Albanian origin.
The administration of Arcade
Arcade does not have twinnings with other towns or cities in Italy or abroad, but continues to maintain its autonomous and independent character.
Arcade is a town that boasts a rich and varied history, marked by moments of great splendor and great suffering, but that continues to represent a vital and dynamic community of Veneto. Its identity, symbolized by the coat of arms with the golden lion, continues to be a factor of cohesion and pride for its inhabitants.