
Appignano: a historic municipality

Welcome to Appignano, an Italian municipality in the province of Macerata, located in the region of Marche. This city has a population of approximately 4,065 inhabitants and is situated in the valley of the Monocchia stream, halfway between the sea and the mountains. Appignano has a historic center full of history and intricate ancient alleys, all enclosed by medieval walls. In 2019, the Official Guide of the Maceratese region included Appignano in the list of destinations to visit. In this text, I will take you on a journey to discover this city, highlighting its history, places of interest, economy, society, and sports.

The History of Appignano

Appignano has very ancient roots, having been founded towards the end of the 11th century. The name of the municipality derives from the Roman proconsul Aulo Piniano Faltonio. Over the centuries, Appignano has undergone numerous changes. For example, at the beginning of the 13th century, it was known as Castrum Appignani, which depended on the municipality of Osimo. Towards the middle of the 13th century, relations with the nearby municipality of Treia became problematic, but were resolved with the creation of the Municipality of Appignano.

Discover Appignano: Marche's history, art and traditions.

Monuments and Places of Interest

There are many picturesque places in the city of Appignano. Among the most famous religious architectures are the Forano Convent, dating back to the 13th century, where it is said that Saint Francis stayed; the Parish Church of San Giovanni Battista, a 16th-century church with a nominal baroque style; the Church of Santa Tecla, known for the preservation of sacred relics inside the "Santi" chapel; and the Church of Madonna dell'Addolorata, built in the 19th century on the site of a miraculous edicola from the 16th century. Among the historic civil architectures are the city walls and urban gates of Appignano, the Civic Palace, built in the 18th century and designed by the architect Mattia Capponi from Cupramontana, the Benigni Palace, the historical Villa Forano Winery, and Villa Tusculano.


Demographic Evolution

The population of Appignano has grown over the years and currently counts approximately 4,065 inhabitants.

Traditions and Folklore

Appignano is famous for its legume festival called Leguminaria, which takes place in autumn and involves the legumes produced in the area, cooked according to traditional recipes.



Appignano is famous for its artisanal production of furniture, ceramics, and majolica. These traditions have been passed down from generation to generation and are an integral part of the city's economy.


The administration of Appignano is very active in promoting the territory and organizing cultural and sports events.



U.S. Appignanese is the main football team of the city, founded in 1964 and playing in the Marchigiano C group of 1st Category. The other football team is Amatori Appignano, which plays in the Third Category and won the amateur championship in 1995.


Appignano is represented in volleyball by the society Appignano Volley, founded in 1987 and still growing strong. In 2012 and 2013, the team participated in the Italian Serie B1 of male volleyball.

In conclusion, Appignano is a city rich in history, art, and culture, and offers many places of interest and gastronomic traditions. If you're looking for a fascinating and authentic destination in Marche, we suggest visiting Appignano.

Valentina Fabbri
Updated Thursday, Sep 22, 2022