
Let's discover the province of Macerata

Hello everyone! Today I'm going to talk about the province of Macerata, a beautiful province of Italy located in the Marche region. The province has a population of about 303,684 and its capital is the city of Macerata. Let me take you on a journey to discover this area and everything it has to offer.

Physical geography

At 2,780 km², the province of Macerata is the largest among the provinces of the Marche region. Since 2009, when there was a territorial and administrative change in the Marche region, it acquired Valmarecchia from the province of Pesaro and Urbino. It borders the Adriatic Sea to the east and the Umbria region (Perugia province) to the west. It is the only province in the Marche region to border three other provinces in the same region: Ancona to the north, Ascoli Piceno to the southwest, and Fermo to the south. The territory is predominantly hilly (67.7%) and for the rest is mountainous (32.3%). The Macerata Apennines and Sub-Apennines include three mountain communities: Potenza Esino Musone Mountain Community Union, Marca di Camerino Mountain Community Union, and Monti Azzurri Mountain Community Union.

Discovering the province of Macerata: nature, history, and economy.

History and culture

The province of Macerata comes from the homonymous delegation of Macerata of the Papal State, which in 1860 the Minghetti decree extended by annexing the delegation of Camerino and the municipality of Visso. In 1929 it received the municipality of Visso from the province of Perugia. The province has a very ancient history and possesses a historical and cultural heritage of great value. Among the places to visit are historical buildings, museums, castles, churches, and much more.


The economy of the province of Macerata is based mainly on many small but highly specialized footwear companies. In 2006, the Bank of the Province of Macerata was established. Agriculture is also very important, especially for the production of oil, wine, and fruit.

Infrastructure and transportation

The province of Macerata has been crossed by historic roads leading to Rome, many of which are still present today. The most important is the Via Lauretana, which crosses Umbria and the Marche region. With the arrival of trains, the province saw the construction of a railway line connecting Rome to Ancona, with Macerata station and other important cities in the province such as Matelica, San Severino Marche, Tolentino, Corridonia, and Montecosaro. Camerino was connected to this railway line to Castelraimondo with the Castelraimondo-Camerino Railway, now discontinued and dismantled and replaced by bus service.


The province of Macerata is an ideal destination for those who want to discover the beauty of the Marche region. With its beautiful landscapes, historical and cultural heritage, and interesting economy, it is an area that offers many opportunities. I hope this brief summary has piqued your interest and that you are ready to embark on a journey of discovery in the province of Macerata. Happy travels!

Valentina Fabbri
Updated Tuesday, Jan 17, 2023