Rocca di Corno

Rocca di Corno Station

Hello friends, today I want to talk to you about Rocca di Corno Station, a small railway station located on the Terni-Sulmona Railway line. This station serves the town of Rocca di Corno, which is a hamlet of the municipality of Antrodoco.

Station Description

Rocca di Corno Station is a small railway station, consisting of a single track and a small passenger building, which houses the ticket office and the bar. The station is equipped with some services, such as toilets, a waiting room, and a small parking area for cars.

The station is located in a green and peaceful area, far from the traffic and pollution of large cities. The surrounding trees offer shade and shelter during the hottest days of summer.

The small Rocca di Corno station: nature and history along the Terni-Sulmona railway.

History and Curiosities

Rocca di Corno Station was inaugurated back in 1888, along with the railway section that connected Terni to L'Aquila. Originally, the station played an important role in the transport of passengers and goods between the regions of Lazio and Abruzzo.

Over the years, the importance of Rocca di Corno Station has gradually decreased, until it became today a small local station, frequented mainly by commuters and locals.

An interesting curiosity is that in 1985, Rocca di Corno Station hosted some scenes of the well-known movie "La storia" by Luigi Comencini, which tells the life of an Italian town from the end of World War I to the 80s.

How to get to Rocca di Corno Station

Rocca di Corno Station is easily reachable by train, thanks to the Terni-Sulmona Railway line, with regional trains that stop at all the stations.

By car, the station can be reached through the state road 4, which connects Terni to L'Aquila. The station offers a small parking area for cars.

What to do near Rocca di Corno Station

Rocca di Corno Station is nestled in the beautiful nature of the central Apennines, where you can take long walks or bike rides, discovering the trails and characteristic villages of the area.

A few kilometers from the station, you can also visit some tourist attractions of the area, such as the village of Antrodoco, with its medieval castle and the church of Santa Maria Assunta, or the Gran Sasso and Monti della Laga National Park, which offers stunning landscapes and the opportunity to practice outdoor sports and activities.

In short, Rocca di Corno Station is a peaceful and picturesque place, where you can spend time in peace and rediscover the beauty of nature and life away from the hectic pace of the city. I recommend visiting it during your next weekend getaway, you won't regret it!

Giulia Rizzo
Wrote by Giulia Rizzo
Updated Saturday, Dec 10, 2022