Anguillara Veneta

Anguillara Veneta: A Look at the City

Hello everyone! Today we'll be talking about Anguillara Veneta, an Italian municipality located in Padua, Veneto. This beautiful city has a population of approximately 4,190 inhabitants and is very interesting to visit, both for its natural beauty and its history.

Physical Geography

Anguillara Veneta is located on a flat terrain, crossed by the Adige river, which is the southern border of the city. The city also crosses the Gorzone canal and various minor watercourses. The climate is continental, characterized by hot summers and cold winters, with fog forming very often. Rain is fairly uniform throughout the year, but there can be heavy summer rains accompanied by hail.

Anguillara Veneta: Beauty and History of the City in Veneto.


The history of Anguillara dates back to the Bronze Age, but the city has been marked for many centuries by the frequentation of the Adige river which made the territory predominantly marshy. Anguillara was a fiefdom of the Carraresi family, lords of Padua, and one of the most important branches along with the Papafava. In the Middle Ages, the city was the scene of military clashes with neighboring powers. In 1405, with the defeat of the Carraresi and the arrival of the Republic of Venice, Anguillara became part of the Serenissima.

Over time, the territory of Anguillara suffered from a difficult economic situation, due to the predominantly agricultural economy and the low industrial development. Later on, there was an important emigration to the richer areas of northwest Italy and abroad.

Jair Bolsonaro's Visit to Anguillara

On November 1, 2021, the President of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, visited Anguillara, his hometown, and received honorary citizenship. This gesture was met with different reactions in Italy.

Monuments and Places of Interest

If you're visiting Anguillara, you can visit many monuments and places of interest. Here are some of the most important:

Religious Architecture

The Church of Sant'Andrea Apostolo is an important religious monument dating back to the 20th century. Built between 1900 and 1906, it was consecrated in the 1940s and is located near the Adige riverbank. The altars inside the church come from the previous church, and it is possible to admire the statue depicting St. Andrew and St. Peter inside.

The Oratory of the Madonna Addolorata, also known as the Capitello, is a beautiful church located on the current Via Roma and decorated with two bell towers. Built in 1792, it was expanded in 1865 and contains the Pieta of Salzburg school from the 15th century.

In general, Anguillara Veneta is a very beautiful and interesting city, especially for its history and culture. If you're in Veneto, don't miss the opportunity to visit it!

Ludovica Neri
Wrote by Ludovica Neri
Updated Tuesday, Feb 14, 2023