
Angiari: a small community between Verona, Cerea and Legnago

Hello everyone! Today I will talk about Angiari, a small municipality located about 37 km from Verona, in Veneto. With its 2382 inhabitants, Angiari is one of the least populated municipalities in the province of Verona. However, the town is very important for its geographical location, located between Cerea and Legnago.

The municipal territory is crossed by the Adige River, and the urban center develops in the eastern part of the town. The opposite part, to the west, is characterized by numerous inhabited places such as Cason, Possessione, Ronchi, Guasti and Motta, which are connected by roads that run through cultivated countryside and on which there are courtyard houses and period villas. The municipality's territory is also bathed by the Bussè River and brushes the SS434, on which it has its own exit and a developed industrial area.

The history of Angiari

The name Angiari derives from the Latin word "glarea", which means gravel. This name is related to the fact that in the past in Angiari there was a river port on the Adige river, where boats that traded gravel, collected from the riverbed and used as building material, were unloaded. The port served Angiari and neighboring municipalities and resisted until 1882, when it was destroyed by a terrible flood of the Adige river.

Around the year 1000, the name of the municipality was mentioned for the first time, thanks to a series of donations made to the Canons of Verona by the largest families of the time. Over the years, the town developed thanks to the work of its inhabitants, who worked hard to make the surrounding plain cultivable, originally covered by forests and swamps. In this period, the first sacred buildings such as Santa Maria della Croce and the Church of San Michele Arcangelo were built.

During the 15th century, Angiari had to fight against the Adige River, constantly controlling its course to avoid floods that could damage the town. It was during this period that solid embankments and drainage canals were built to avoid possible floods. In the following century, the forest to the west of the urban center was eliminated, creating new buildings and locations that still bear the name of the pre-existing vegetation.

In the following centuries, Angiari followed the fate of the entire province of Verona, falling under the dominion of Napoleon Bonaparte and then under Austrian rule (during which a battle was fought against the French). This period brought economic and social prosperity to the town, with the creation of new public buildings.

Angiari: a small municipality located between Verona, Cerea, and Legnago.

The Coat of Arms of Angiari

The municipal coat of arms depicts an oak tree rising on a green hill, with a completely blue background. There are two red tortellini in the corners.


Angiari is a small municipality that knows the value of its own history and territory well. With its 2382 inhabitants, this community exemplifies the importance of the work of its own inhabitants, who have worked hard over the centuries to make their town famous and prosperous. If you are looking for a place immersed in nature, quiet, and with an ancient flavor, Angiari is the right place for you!

Alessandro Romano
Updated Friday, Feb 18, 2022