
Welcome to Anela!

Anela is a small Italian municipality located in the province of Sassari, within the Goceano Mountain Community. With a population of only 575 inhabitants, the town boasts a millennia-old history and a series of must-see tourist attractions. Let's discover this gem of Goceano together.


Anela has been inhabited since the Neolithic period, as evidenced by the necropolis of Domus de janas Sos Furrighesos and some Nuraghe present in the area. Many historians believe that Anela is the oldest town in Goceano, founded by the Romans who established a colony of Latins in the time of Lucio Cornelio Silla.

In the Middle Ages, Anela belonged to the Giudicato of Torres and was the capital of the Curatoria of Goceano. After the fall of the Giudicato (1259), it became part of the Giudicato of Arborea and, subsequently, in the county of Goceano of the Marchesato of Oristano. With the defeat of the marchesato after the battle of Macomer (1478), Anela passed under Aragonese rule and became a royal fiefdom administered by royal officials. It was only in 1839 that it was redeemed and became an autonomous municipality.

Anela: history, monuments and nature in a pearl of Goceano.


The banner of the municipality of Anela is a drapery divided in white and blue, while the coat of arms was granted in 1960 by the President of the Republic.

Monuments and places of interest

Art and history enthusiasts should not miss the Church of San Giorgio and the Church of Saints Cosma and Damiano, two splendid buildings of Romanesque architecture. In Forest'Anela, you can immerse yourself in nature and admire suggestive landscapes.

Not far from the town, there is the Church of Santa Maria di Mesumundu, built in 1162 by the Cistercians and donated to the Camaldolese in the XIII century.

At about 1000 meters above sea level, you can find the remains of a Byzantine military outpost and the Romanesque church of San Giorgio di Aneletto.


The population of Anela has decreased over the years, going from 939 inhabitants in 1991 to 817 in 2001. The variant of the Sardinian language spoken in Anela is the central or common logudorese Sardinian.


On the territory of Anela, there are industrial, service, and administrative activities, which employ 57.23% of the occupied workforce.

In conclusion, Anela is a small gem of Goceano that deserves to be visited. Its millennia-old history, artistic attractions, and natural beauties make it a perfect destination for a day trip. Come and discover Anela!

Sofia Greco
Wrote by Sofia Greco
Updated Thursday, Oct 20, 2022