
Welcome to Foce

Hello everyone! Today I will talk about Foce, a delightful hamlet of the municipality of Amelia, located in the province of Terni, Italy. With its 164 inhabitants (Istat data, 2001) and its altitude of 463 meters, Foce is located on a hill along the road to Montecastrilli, only 5.5 km from the capital. But the most beautiful thing about Foce is definitely its panorama, which ranges from Tuscia to Terni to Todi. So, if you love nature and scenic beauty, you cannot miss out on visiting Foce!

A brief journey through Foce's history

Foce has an interesting history. In the past, "Castrum Focis" played a strategic role as a defense point between Amelia and Narni, dominating the road leading to the Augustus Bridge. The castle was probably built by exiles from Corsica, who fled after the raids of Saracen pirates. Despite the rivalry between the cities of Amelia and Narni for supremacy (to which Todi also joined), Foce was able to obtain an autonomous statute in 1367. From 1256 to 1434, long conflicts with Amelia led to the ruin of the walls and the fortress, rebuilt only in 1451. Since then, Foce remained under the Amerina jurisdiction for a long time.

Mouth: a historic village between Terni and Amelia.

Foce's monuments and art places

Despite its small size, Foce boasts some monuments and art places not to be missed during your visit. First of all, you can admire the remains of the castle, with stretches of walls and towers, the entrance gate, and the civic well. Then, there is the Church of San Gregorio, in Romanesque architecture and adorned with sculptures. Finally, do not miss the opportunity to visit the Cistercian Monastery of San Bernardo, used as a hospital during the Second World War and now occupied by a private resort.

Foce's economy and festivities

Foce's economy is mainly based on agriculture, represented by the agricultural community known as "Dominio Collettivo". But the most anticipated moments of the year are certainly the religious festivals: in May, we celebrate the Madonna delle Grazie, whose sanctuary is the destination for an annual pilgrimage every September 8th. Moreover, in August, the "Festa di San Bernardo" takes place.

Other projects for Foce

If you want to discover more about Foce, I invite you to visit the official website of the Municipality of Amelia, where you can find detailed and updated information on the hamlet. Also, for photography enthusiasts, I recommend searching on Instagram for the tags ## Foce, ## Amelia, and ## Terni: you can discover the most beautiful photos taken by users and get inspired for your visit.


In short, Foce is a small hidden gem in the heart of Italy. If you love nature, history, and art, here you will find everything you are looking for. Come and discover the beautiful panorama from the hill, the ancient monuments, and the traditional religious festivals. I guarantee you won't be disappointed. See you soon in Foce!

Irene Mariani
Wrote by Irene Mariani
Updated Saturday, Dec 17, 2022