
Welcome to Licciana Nardi!

Hello everyone! Today I will talk to you about Licciana Nardi, a Tuscan municipality in the province of Massa-Carrara. With its 4,727 inhabitants, Licciana Nardi is located within the Tuscan-Emilian Apennine National Park and is situated on the Via del Volto Santo. The town owes its name to the patriots Anacarsi and Biagio Nardi, born in the Apella fraction. But let's see together some information about its physical geography.

Physical geography

Licciana Nardi is located in a medium-high seismic area, as indicated by the PCM Ordinance 3274 of 2003, and belongs to the climatic zone E, with an average of 2,146 degree days. The atmospheric diffusivity is average, according to the data of Ibimet CNR 2002.

But what are the fractions that make up the municipality of Licciana Nardi? There are as many as 22: Amola, Apella, Baccana, Bastia, Canalescuro, Cisigliana, Corte, Costamala, Cuccarello, Deglio, Galea, Maestà dei Saldi, Masero, Monti, Panicale, Paretola, Ponte Taverone, Pontebosio, Ripola, Salano, Taponecco, Tavernelle, Terrarossa, Varano. The most populated is Monti, which has more than 2,000 inhabitants and is constantly expanding. Among its attractions are the Venelia church and the famous focaccette, prepared during the village festival.

Licciana Nardi: history, geography and attractions.


The history of Licciana Nardi dates back to at least 1255, when it is first mentioned as a guard post for the Linari abbey. It is a typical example of a village developed in the bottom valley with military barricading functions. It was fortified by the Malaspina who succeeded the Maregnano, and in 1535 Licciana became the only lordship of the Villafranca marquisate by imperial privilege. The castle overlooks the main square, which over the centuries of the XV and XVI has been transformed into a fortified palace and residential seat. It now presents itself as a sixteenth-century mansion, connected with an elevated passage to the matroneum of the church.

The system of ancient fortifications included the fortress and a wide circuit of fortified and turreted walls, still partially existing, and a stronghold on the opposite bank of the Taverone, called the castle of Piano, an interesting example of military architecture. The village, dating back to the thirteenth century, presents sandstone portals of good workmanship and leads to the Municipality square where the ossuary monument of Anacarsi Nardi is located. In front of it, the parish church dedicated to Saints James and Christopher, rebuilt in 1705 and equipped with a Greek cross plan with a majestic dome.

The origin of the village is linked to the presence of the important valley transit road that connected the territories beyond the Apennines to the middle Val di Magra. According to Ubaldo Formentini, only in the thirteenth century were the road crossings in the Taverone valley increased, favoring the birth of the Licciana village.


Here is a brief description of the municipality of Licciana Nardi, a place that has managed to preserve its historical-architectural beauty intact and that offers a wide variety of fractions to visit. If you want to discover everything that this municipality has to offer, all you have to do is book a trip and set off to discover this wonderful part of Tuscany!

Martina Moretti
Updated Saturday, Feb 4, 2023