
Welcome to Altopascio

If you're looking for a Tuscan town with a long history of assisting pilgrims, then Altopascio is the place for you! This town of 15,698 inhabitants in the province of Lucca is located along the famous Via Francigena, here called Via Francesca Romea, and has been inhabited since Roman times. Today we will talk about the history of Altopascio, the Altopascio Hospital, and the Knights of Tau, the religious order of knights that was born here.

Physical geography

To begin with, it is worth mentioning that the atmospheric diffusivity of Altopascio is rather low (Ibimet CNR 2002). But let's now move on to the most interesting part: the history of this charming location.

History of Altopascio: The City of Knights of Tau and the Hospital along the Via Francigena.


As we said, Altopascio is located along the Via Francigena, one of the most important medieval pilgrimage routes that led from Rome to France and on to England. Here stood the Altopascio Hospital, founded in 1084 by citizens of Lucca or probiviri, with the aim of providing assistance to pilgrims and maintaining the road itself. The choice of this location was not accidental: the area was in fact dangerous and unhealthy, due to the Fucecchio marsh and the Sesto lake, which are now reclaimed.

The Knights of Tau

The Altopascio Hospital soon became very important and to carry out its functions, the religious order of knights, the Knights of Tau, was founded. This order spread throughout Europe (Italy, France, England, Bavaria, and even Spain and Portugal), thanks to the selflessness of its friars. The name derives from the long black cloak worn by the friars, on which was the tau cross, shaped like a punch, similar to the Greek letter tau (τ).

In reality, the tau had other meanings as well: in addition to being the initial letter of the word "Christ," it was also a symbol of perfection, as the final letter of the Hebrew alphabet. The tau was also a symbol of the cross and was venerated also by the Franciscans.

The Knights of Tau were involved not only in assisting pilgrims but also in maintaining roads and transport waterways. In addition, they dedicated themselves to the construction and maintenance of bridges, demonstrating their technical and organizational skills. Among the bridges built by the friars of Altopascio were those on the Arno, Elsa, Usciana, Taro, and Arda rivers.


Here's a look at the history of Altopascio, a Tuscan town with an extraordinary tradition of assisting pilgrims. Thanks to its location along the Via Francigena and the founding of the Altopascio Hospital and the religious order of the Knights of Tau, this place played a fundamental role in the spread of Christianity in Europe and beyond. If you're looking for a journey through history and spirituality, you can't miss visiting Altopascio!

Martina Moretti
Updated Saturday, Feb 4, 2023