Hello friends, I will talk to you about Caselle!
Located in the province of Treviso, Caselle is a geographic hamlet of the municipality of Altivole. If you are wondering where it is exactly, know that it is 1.7 km away from the center of Altivole, 19 km from Bassano del Grappa and 23 km from Treviso.
A brief history
Caselle seems to have very ancient origins, dating back to the time of the Paleoveneti. As proof of this, bronze fibulae typical of that period's culture have been found. In addition, roads and grids that still follow the Centuriation demonstrate the passage of the Romans.
The name Caselle, on the other hand, seems to derive from the existence of small shepherd houses, protected by Saint Michael the Archangel. In 1335 the village had 320 inhabitants, in 1598 as many as 500, while in 1724 they had reached 590.
In 1346, the Prebenda was established by the Bishop and the quartese was paid promptly in Caselle already from 1554. The inhabitants showed great devotion to Saint Apollonia and Saint Spiridione and the Confraternity of the Most Holy Sacrament, of which there are notes since 1540, was very active.
The Republic of Venice arrived in 1399, renewing local administration. In 1796, Napoleon, with his French army, invaded the Veneto and the Serenissima was included among the lands of the battlefield.

What to see in Caselle
If you decide to visit Caselle, you cannot miss the archpriest's church of Saint Michael the Archangel, built between 1757 and 1853 according to the design of Francesco Maria Preti. The church is in neoclassical style and has a large nave; to its left, you can admire the bell tower, with its concert of 5 bells. On the cantoria in the counter-façade, the pipe organ, built in 1758 by Antonio Barbini.
In conclusion, Caselle represents an ideal destination for those who love history and art, but also for those looking for tranquility and peace. I suggest you organize a day trip and spend a day discovering the hidden beauties of this ancient village among the hills of Veneto.