Exploring the Meaning of Selva in Different Categories
Selva can be used as a synonym for forest or woods, but it also refers to a variety of locations in different parts of the world. In Italy, for example, there are several municipalities with the name Selva, including Selva dei Molini, Selva di Cadore, Selva di Progno, and Selva di Val Gardena.
Moreover, Selva is also the name of many scattered hamlets throughout the peninsula, such as Selva di Altamura, Selva di Grigno, Selva di Imola, Selva del Montello, and Selvavetere. Lake Selva, located in the province of Frosinone, takes its name from the dense forest surrounding it.
But Selva is not only found in Italy. Selva is also a municipality in Catalonia, Spain, and one of the Balearic Islands. In Mexico, Selva is one of the states of Chiapas, while in Argentina, it is a municipality in the province of Santiago del Estero.

The name Selva is also quite common as a surname, and there are several personalities who bear it. Among Italian politicians, we can mention Armando Selva and Gustavo Selva, while in the world of sports, Andy Selva stands out, one of the most representative footballers of San Marino.
Even in the field of art and culture, we find personalities bearing the surname Selva, such as the sculptor Attilio Selva, the architect Giannantonio Selva, the journalist and politician Lorenzo Selva, and the writer Gino Selva.
Selva is not just a geographic name or a name of people, but it is also the name of a genus of nudibranch mollusks of the family Trinchesiidae. This genus comprises several species of these marine animals, which are characterized by their colorful appearance and the ability to perfectly blend in with the surrounding environment.
Moreover, "Selva" is also used in other lesser-known contexts. For example, in the past centuries, "Selva" was used to describe the adaptation of a literary source to the music scene, from which the poet derived the libretto of an opera.
In the film industry, Selva is the name of a female character in the movie "Ma non per sempre," while in literature, we find Franco Selva, a character in Eduardo De Filippo's comedy "La parte di Amleto."
Finally, "La Selva" is the title of an album by the musician Francisco López, while Contrada della Selva is one of the districts of the city of Siena.
In conclusion, "Selva" is a name that can be found in many parts of the world, used in different categories such as geography, people, zoology, and art. And who knows how many more races and municipalities exist with this name! The only thing for sure is that every place and every person who bears this name represents a unique part of the world worth discovering and appreciating.